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A glass of swirly chocolate mousse with a Pantone trademarked color card.

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I've been ahead of my time. That's the color of my house. 

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Mocha Mousse


Image may contain Lola Dewaere Romee Strijd Adult Person Fashion Accessories Bag Handbag Clothing Coat and Skirt

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Pantone 2025

[ Edited ]

@MorningLover - Oh my, that's quite a photo.  Let's hope the second from the left doesn't have to sneeze!


As to the color of the year?  I never understand why I need someone to decree what that is.  But, if it makes them happy, okay.


(I do like chocolate mousse though!  YUM!)

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Third-generation UPS driver earns safety award

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Do not care for the color...I do not even like beige. I knew it was coming as I noticed different shades of brown have been very popular in make up for the last few months, especially nail polish.

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The color reminds me of my high school uniform.  


No thanks ... easy pass for me!

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One or 2 pieces in that color is enough for me.

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Registered: ‎12-14-2018

Hahaha @Bookplate ~ that's the best!

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Come on Pantone, you can do better than that.  That color doesn't really flatter anybody or anything.  Milk chocolate mud.

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