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Posts: 378
Registered: ‎03-10-2010
Got my bleached denim knit jacket. Fits perfectly, little on the heavy side. I washed it because it had a smell to it, couldn't put my finger on it exactly until someone else mentioned getting one with mildew smell, that's it! It is a knit, little heavy, so guess I will be sending it back! So discouraged! I also received another one in denim that had a smell like insect spray. Happened once before, may be able to deal with it as have had to in the past on one other occasion.
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It is probably not mildew but the chemical spray/wash they have to put on clothing made in other countries.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010
Hmmm, maybe so, any ideas how to get it out?
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Registered: ‎11-01-2010

I'm not sure. Maybe adding some vinegar to the wash/rinse would do the trick.

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Registered: ‎11-01-2010

Since they insist on giving jobs to other countries & then pollute the clothes with chemicals to import them, the least they could/should do is add information on how to remove the chemicals/smell from the clothing when we buy it.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010
Very good point!
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Well, I know they use coffee to remove bad smells from used cars.

What if you put the jacket in a plastic bag with a small cupful of ground coffee and tied the bag closed and left it that way a couple of days. It is supposed to absorb odors. I don't know if the jacket would smell like coffee, but there are worse things!

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Posts: 378
Registered: ‎03-10-2010
Thanks for the idea, Gloria, but it is a bleached denim color and very pale color. Afraid coffee would stain it.
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Years ago I heard Martha Stewart tell how to get rid of the mildew smell in books. Put books in a box and add charcoal. You can google something like this.
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Posts: 378
Registered: ‎03-10-2010
Of course. You are right, just googled it, plenty of info.