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Dailymail has a nice video of Melissa from TMZ at an airport and they were telling Melissa how fun Joan made their job and then they asked Melissa about a lawsuit
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I saw that....she was on FB earlier today and posted this pic of Joan and Cooper from '04.

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awww Such a beautiful picture

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Why would anyone be so personal, nosy, and uncouth enough to ask her about a lawsuit?

That gives me chills simply because it is so horrific ! What in the world is wrong with American's today ?

Who in their right minds believe they have a right to ask her such personal questions and deserve an answer ?

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beautiful moment caught forever

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On 10/23/2014 Remee said:

Why would anyone be so personal, nosy, and uncouth enough to ask her about a lawsuit?

That gives me chills simply because it is so horrific ! What in the world is wrong with American's today ?

Who in their right minds believe they have a right to ask her such personal questions and deserve an answer ?

There were threads on this board discussing the lawsuit....what is worse, talking behind her back about it, or asking her face to face? They are both personal, nosy and rude situations. Melissa is a public figure. She had better get use to the public questions that on one hand are uncouth and as you said horrific...on the other hand it is that same public that gave her Mother and herself work and a fantastic style of living.
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They probably asked because it has been reported recently that because of the fact that there was no autopsy (Jewish tradition) and the facts brought out by the NYC Health Dept, the only way for Melissa to find out the definitive cause of death is to sue. This would force depositions and facts to come out. Sad, but true.

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Melissa will probably contribute settlement monies to Joan's favorite causes. I don't believe she needs the money and she seems like a kind, generous soul.

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I hope Joan had smart attorneys drawing up her will or else lots of that $$$ will go to pay taxes.

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I think people just want justice for Joan. I know that many people feel that Joan was not treated properly. I hope we finally get the truth behind her death. I could see if she had been ill but she was going strong and that is why people need answers. We all miss her terribly. I bet Melissa is having a hard time with her mother's death because they were so close and so sudden.