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Re: Lori, who in their right mind.....

Why do so many people assume that you have to wear all those layers at one time just because Lori does?  You buy what you like and wear it the way you like just the way you do any other clothes that you have.  I wouldn't wear all those layers either but they are trying to sell all of them so they show lots of ways to wear them.  This is my take on Logo, yours may be different.

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Re: Lori, who in their right mind.....

Exactly.  I wear LOGO just like other clothes I have.  In cold weather I might add one layer, in warm weather non. I also wear colors that match or are tonal.  I don't wear a bright blue piece with a fuschia piece for example.  I have started my logo wardrobe around the lily pad color and have several pieces in that.  I am branching out to pinks and cocoas.  Then I will probably go for some blue and grays and some neutrals and black.

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Re: Lori, who in their right mind.....

Ok. I do not dress in layers in the summer, and I am not a fan of Logo, but the continuing negative threads about this line are really getting old.  It reminds me of the old days when there were lots of negative QF threads and you could always count on a negative thread on Susan Graver Thursday (that still happens from time to time.)


I know, I know...everyone has a right to post their comments and opinions (unless the moderators think they get rude and disrespectful - thank you, moderators).  Well, I am just posting mine today.

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Re: Lori, who in their right mind.....

@Trinity11 wrote:

@Pearlee wrote:

@Chucklehead wrote:

What an insulting thing to say.

Very.  My eyes only saw someone really impolite to fellow posters, which is far worse than bag lady shmattas.  A person can change clothes, but rarely character. For those of you who don't know Yiddish, schmattas are rags.   So a poster here, who knows darn well that some fellow posters buy and love and wear LOGO clothes, thinks those people wear bag lady rags.  Nice huh?


@Vivian Florimond wrote:

This line is probably the only one QVC sells that I have never purchased. For over 20  years, I've seen different clothing names come and go on Q. Eventually, I bought at least one garment to see if I liked it...but not Logo. In my opinion they can't even make it good on TV. Sorry in advance to those who like her stuff. My eyes see bag lady shmattahs. 


Her opinion.... you certainly don't need to agree but at least she is telling her some the clothing (which I have bought myself) look like rags on a bag lady. Sometimes the truth hurts. I would far prefer for someone to be honest with me than listen to someone who is trying to sell me something to make a buck.

@Trinity11, Very good post!

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Re: Lori, who in their right mind.....

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Re: Lori, who in their right mind.....

@toria wrote:

Do people honestly believe that the fashions QVC offers should always appeal to them?  I don't.  I don't like some of what I see for example I am not a big fan of Quaker Factory...I don't like bling or embroidery such as that.  I will say it is made pretty well and a lot of ladies like it.  I don't buy it or watch it.  Nor do I go on this board and lambast it.  Its a waste of time.  Many like it and are buying it.  The same with LOGO.

@toria   You are too modest.  You don't lambast it only because "It's a waste of time" but also because you are a kind, considerate, polite  person who is cognizant that others might like and wear it.  Sadly not everyone here is.

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Re: Lori, who in their right mind.....

@lolakimono wrote:

How on earth did you get my Ozzie to hold still while you dressed him AND took his picture??!

Woman Wink

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Re: Lori, who in their right mind.....

Think Lori look's like a handerchef, I wouldn't even wear her ******, let alone make the host's put those thin overpriced junk that I am surprised that qvc would allow on their programs............I am sure there are other people out their like some of the company's that would put her to shame...........Get rid of the handerchef's, and put some real clothes that you don't need to layer..........

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Re: Lori, who in their right mind.....

Grammar matters.

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Re: Lori, who in their right mind.....

[ Edited ]

@MaggieMack wrote:

Grammar matters.

@MaggieMack  So does spelling.  


I have a feeling I wouldn't like how Alica dresses.....  Smiley Happy   Smiley Happy   Smiley Happy