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@grandma petes wrote:

Watching FriYay Morning with Leah. She is such a class act. What I love the most is that she allows the vendors the opportunity to present their items without her constantly interrupting them. Sometimes other hosts are difficult to watch because they try to talk over the vendors so much that I don't hear about the product being presented.


Her calm demeanor and pleasant personality truly makes her my favorite host. 

I would call Leah the Sweetest host!!!!!

I also enjoy watching her.


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Leah is always SO beautiful (no matter what weight), and always appropriate.  IMO, she should be the one to train new hosts.

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Love Leah - she is such a pro and she always seems so calm and pleasant.  Just love Leah!

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She is the only host I DO NOT MUTE!    I think she is also the most logical.


If I do watch .... I mute the sound and turn on pleasant music.   


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Registered: ‎03-20-2010

Re: Leah is Just Amazing

[ Edited ]

@Jamstan wrote:

I concur! She always has a polished look, she is well prepared and always seems upbeat and pleasant. No drama, no made up words and childish nonsense and no constant references to her personal life either.  A show host who does her job, knows the products and lets the guests explain things..what a novel concept!




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Posts: 33,993
Registered: ‎03-20-2010

Leah is an EXCELLENT host!!! Pleasant, calm, classy, professional, informative, knows her merchandise!!! Doesn't interrupt the vendors. And she adds just the right amount of fun without going over the top!!!  Just a joy to watch!!! Woman Very Happy

Animals are reliable, full of love, true in their affections, grateful. Difficult standards for people to live up to.”