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Re: Last night's episode of Yes to the Dress



Not all, but some brides are missing the whole point of the ceremony itself.

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Re: Last night's episode of Yes to the Dress

But how can you exclude your mother?  I understand there may be some family discord that we, as viewers, don't know about, but excluding your mom from one of the most important days of your life (Actually, the MOST important day of my life was when my children were born.) seems extremely petty and selfish.  If my daugher excluded me from her wedding, I'd be devastated and wonder what I did wrong.  I think somebody had it exactly right.  If I were this bride and didn't want the hassle of bringing family members to a foreign country, I'd have the wedding ceremony here in the States and go for a fantastic honeymoon to Italy.  This bride seems like she's got everything *ss-backwards.

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Re: Last night's episode of Yes to the Dress

I just watched this episode and the bride's mother and step-mother were both at Kleinfelds to pick out her wedding dress and they obviously get along very well, laughing and joking that they and their respective husbands were gonna show up in Italy anyway!


So I don't think that was an issue in them not being invited to the wedding.


The bride kept insisting that it would be the 'snowball effect' of if the parents on both sides were invited, every other family member would expect to be invited., your parents are special, they raised you, supported you and deserve special consideration not necessarily afforded to other family members, IMO. 


And the parents were willing to pay their own expenses to go to Italy, so it wouldn't have been an added expense to the bride and groom.


At the end, when the bride facetimed her mother before the ceremony, she thanked her parents for 'everything', leading me to believe they paid for the wedding, dress, etc.


Very selfish and very sad, IMO.

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Re: Last night's episode of Yes to the Dress

A bride and groom can have anyone they want attending their wedding. It's their day. If they want a romantic getaway with just the two of them, then so be it. Relax ladies, SYTTD picked this bride solely for her circumstance and it worked. You all are all talking about it here today! Woman LOL

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: Last night's episode of Yes to the Dress


@ID2 wrote:

A bride and groom can have anyone they want attending their wedding. It's their day. If they want a romantic getaway with just the two of them, then so be it. Relax ladies, SYTTD picked this bride solely for her circumstance and it worked. You all are all talking about it here today! Woman LOL

Unfortunately, I cannot agree with that.  Unless your parents were total monsters, they should at least be allowed to attend one of the most special days of your life - your wedding day.  As I always understood it, the wedding ceremony is the affirmation of your love in front of your family and friends.  I understand the privacy aspect but isn't that what the honeymoon is for?

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Re: Last night's episode of Yes to the Dress

One thing for sure.  As the mother, if I weren't included as far as the wedding, I'd be darned if I'd pay for the dress.

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Re: Last night's episode of Yes to the Dress

@ID2 wrote:

A bride and groom can have anyone they want attending their wedding. It's their day. If they want a romantic getaway with just the two of them, then so be it. Relax ladies, SYTTD picked this bride solely for her circumstance and it worked. You all are all talking about it here today! Woman LOL


But they didn't have "a romantic getaway, just the two of them", they took along a best man, a bridesmaid, a videographer and a photographer.



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Re: Last night's episode of Yes to the Dress

I saw this episode.  Shame on the daughter for not "allowing" her parents to attend her wedding.  She kept saying that she would invite her mother and father, but then it kept snowballing into the grandparents and many more.  She needed to simply say "Parents only."  After all, she did allow the best man and maid of honor to attend.  The parents should have been there instead of them.


Yes her wedding, her rules, but why not just elope and not drag her mother through all of her pomp and circumstance while she was at Kleinfelds? When she matures, she will regret not having her parents there! Reverse FOMO?

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Re: Last night's episode of Yes to the Dress

@sueeich wrote:

Sometimes I wonder why I watch this show at all.  I've been married 30 years now so I guess it's just fun to see all the pretty (but extremely overpriced) wedding gowns.  My 16-year old daughter and I are watching the show this morning and I just can't believe the bride that decided to get married in Italy but will not let her mother come to the wedding (or the rest of her family).  Her mother is at Kleinfelds with her to help her choose a gown and she keeps dropping hints that she wants to be at her daugher's wedding, but the daugher keeps says "no."   They are going to have a reception party for the family back in Texas when they return from Italy and the bride seems to think this is good enough.  Makes me wonder what a spoiled, ungrateful girl this is.  If my daugher wouldn't allow me to attend her wedding, I'd be devastated.  What do you think?

I think it also could be an overbearing helicopter mother who hates the guy she is marrying and everything about it. Why assume the daughter is mean?  Maybe she is smart.


You just never know is all I can say!  

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Re: Last night's episode of Yes to the Dress

@sueeich totally agree with you re Northern and UK editions of Say Yes. My favorite edition was one filmed

in NJ and was filmed in a discount bridal store. Great prices and real people.

I also loved the plus size episodes of Say Yes, they seemed to have discontinued those

Kleinfields has morphed into a store with in house designers that they push. Very expensive gowns with

many  brides and families that want to be seen on tv


BTW Kleinfields started out as a modest Brooklyn store 

years ago on 4th ave.