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Re: Kristen Stewart's corset dress - yay or nay?

It seems to be a trend as I have been seeing more and more women wearing this style of dress on the Red Carpet. I am not a big fan, though and think it is a rather uninteresting look seeing someone's underwear but like all trends they are usually short lived and by next year, thankfully, we won't see it anymore.....or at least for a few years.

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Re: Kristen Stewart's corset dress - yay or nay?

I don't like it.  I'm tired of the "bare as much as possible" and lingerie as clothing look.  

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Re: Kristen Stewart's corset dress - yay or nay?

I'm pretty open minded but not when it comes to underwear being used as "fashion". I just think it looks tacky.

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Re: Kristen Stewart's corset dress - yay or nay?

I don't know the designer at all, that said, I don't like his 'ivory strapless bridal gown'.



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Re: Kristen Stewart's corset dress - yay or nay?

Hot mess!  

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Re: Kristen Stewart's corset dress - yay or nay?

Looks like she didn't fully pay the dressmaker- got half the dress finished off.

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Re: Kristen Stewart's corset dress - yay or nay?

Big nay from me.


Good grief who comes up with these designs.   Bra and a bedspread.

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Re: Kristen Stewart's corset dress - yay or nay?

Nay.  It looks like she forgot to put her top on. 

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Re: Kristen Stewart's corset dress - yay or nay?

I don't know who ever came up with the idea of wearing underwear as outerwear, but they should lose their license.  This is tacky and ugly.

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Re: Kristen Stewart's corset dress - yay or nay?

Underware and bedspread.