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Louis has a lovely tribute to Koos on his blog. I remember him very well, and still have his velvet/paisley jacket. His silk shirts were gorgeous. Sad to hear!
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I did not know he passed away.. I thought that the Q just phased his clothing line out years ago? Very sad to hear this. I have some of his pieces too.

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On 2/8/2015 NYCMarian said: Louis has a lovely tribute to Koos on his blog. I remember him very well, and still have his velvet/paisley jacket. His silk shirts were gorgeous. Sad to hear!

That is the jacket I still kick myself for not getting. I did buy a corduroy reversible jacket that I always get compliments on. I thought the velvet jacket was a little too expensive. Thought he would be on QVC forever.

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On 2/8/2015 NYCMarian said: Louis has a lovely tribute to Koos on his blog. I remember him very well, and still have his velvet/paisley jacket. His silk shirts were gorgeous. Sad to hear!

Me, too. I would call mine a duster for the length.

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I have that quilted velvet/brocade paisley jacket, too, & it still & forever will look stylish. When you think about the work that went into those clothes, & the quality of the fabrics compared to what's available today from QVC, it makes me want to weep. LDO's tribute to Koos on his blog was very moving & insightful, I thought. When Koos first showed up on a show with, I think, Lisa R., I wondered, "Who is this marvelous man with these incredibly interesting clothes, & what in the world is he doing HERE?" I was very sorry to see him get the boot, but, as LDO mentioned & as was clear to anyone who watched his shows, he didn't suffer fools at all, which meant it was only a matter of time.

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I loved his crazy mixed up prints -- his couture line was just as fun!! I used to have a few pieces and sorta regret rehoming them when I evolved into a sleeker look... they were fun!

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Registered: ‎10-18-2011
Years ago I went into the shop Koos had in the East 90's. He wasn't there, but the saleswoman invited me to look around after I said I knew him from QVC. Beautiful and very expensive!