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[ Edited ]

She's back on today with Mary.  Her mouth looks strange like maybe she had dental work.  She keeps touching that  area.  She may have mentioned it in the show but I just turned it on and I may have missed it

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On another thread here re: Kim, she's apparently been diagnosed with Bell's Palsy, just going by that other thread, I have no real knowledge.

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@Teddixat , Another post says she has Bell's Palsy.

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Years ago I knew a woman that developed BP during labor and delivery. She eventually recovered,maybe it wasn't BP.

And there was no one left to speak out for me....
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Years ago I had a mild case of Bell's Palsy.  Took prednisone for awhile I think.  It eventually went away with no ill effects.

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Looks like Bells Palsy to me.  My friend had it years back and that is how it looked though my friend had a bit of trouble speaking certain words.  Guess it is how bad a case it is.  She fully recovered but it took over a month.

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@Biftu   Oh dear.  I had not heard.   I hope she recovers.

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Oh geez, I hope she's ok. That does not sound good. I wonder when Susan Graver will be back on air unless I've missed her and she was. Wonder if she has something going on with her health.

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@SaveTheTurtles wrote:

Oh geez, I hope she's ok. That does not sound good. I wonder when Susan Graver will be back on air unless I've missed her and she was. Wonder if she has something going on with her health.

She will be fine, it just takes time.  Bells Palsy is not uncommon.

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[ Edited ]

Kim announced at the beginning of the show she has Bell's Palsy.