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I feel the look of jean jackets are just so out of style. I see tons in the stores but thats just it, no one is buying. I have an adorable jean vest that is much more stylish!

"Pure Michigan"
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I'm not big on layering. I like a pretty top or sweater with slacks; that's my uniform.

I gradually donated my jean jackets because I wasn't wearing them. I kept a white one to carry in summer, to restaurants and movie theaters, etc.

But I think jean jackets are cute and flattering on those who wear them.

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I love jean jackets; probably have at least a dozen.

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I think you should try the Linea jean jacket also. It's definitely not boxy. It is shorter and looks great over maxi dresses. I think it has a really good shape. I have four of them, and the white is my go to jacket.

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I have a fairly old one from the GAP that I love.

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I love jean jackets, but it greatly depends on the individual jacket. I do not like the boxy shape ones, or the ones with bling buttons or prints. I don't like it falling right at the waist, but I also don't like it too long. I definitely don't like the new trend to have the back longer than the front. I don't like the all-knit ones, since I do love denim to be denim. For my taste, Liz Claiborne and Isaac Mizrahi have wonderful jean jackets with great seaming for a flattering fit, plus just a little stretch so they are super comfortable. I work in an office and get compliments when I wear my black one (or the dark denim blue one) with a straight skirt, Kathleen Kirkwood tank underneath, and Louis Linea's beaded necklace.

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I love my Linea jean jackets....own in white, yellow, turq, and my fav is precious pink! They are so light weight and the fit doesn't add bulk and so versatile.

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Every darn time I tune in to a D&C show all I see are jean jackets and capris. I don't wear either so (YES) I change the channel. I use to love this line but now just the same ole over and over. What happened?

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On 3/25/2015 ID2 said:

I feel the look of jean jackets are just so out of style. I see tons in the stores but thats just it, no one is buying. I have an adorable jean vest that is much more stylish!

What would ever give you the impression that jean jackets are "out of style" ? {#emotions_dlg.confused1}

The jackets are no more "out of style" than jeans! {#emotions_dlg.thumbdown}