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I guess when someone is selling me something and claiming to design it, I like them to look good themselves. That said, does Isaac really design what he is selling? Or is this just a side line for him where he sells the clothes and someone else designs them. I ask that because a lot of what he sells doesn't appear to be clothing that a top designer would contemplate designing. Yesterday's TSV looked like sweatshirt material and the seams looked frayed on some of the jackets on the interior.



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@Trinity11 wrote:

I guess when someone is selling me something and claiming to design it, I like them to look good themselves. That said, does Isaac really design what he is selling? Or is this just a side line for him where he sells the clothes and someone else designs them. I ask that because a lot of what he sells doesn't appear to be clothing that a top designer would contemplate designing. Yesterday's TSV looked like sweatshirt material and the seams looked frayed on some of the jackets on the interior.



I agree with you @Trinity11... he seems clueless most of the time as to the color names... and acts like he is unfamiliar with the items many times.. like they are new to him??? How could that be if he DESIGNED THEM.  I really think he has little to do with anything other than approving what he wants his name on. Someone is doing all the work.. he is just the name.

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@SeaMaiden wrote:

@Trinity11 wrote:

I guess when someone is selling me something and claiming to design it, I like them to look good themselves. That said, does Isaac really design what he is selling? Or is this just a side line for him where he sells the clothes and someone else designs them. I ask that because a lot of what he sells doesn't appear to be clothing that a top designer would contemplate designing. Yesterday's TSV looked like sweatshirt material and the seams looked frayed on some of the jackets on the interior.



I agree with you @Trinity11... he seems clueless most of the time as to the color names... and acts like he is unfamiliar with the items many times.. like they are new to him??? How could that be if he DESIGNED THEM.  I really think he has little to do with anything other than approving what he wants his name on. Someone is doing all the work.. he is just the name.

If you watch his body language he often appears uncomfortable. He may just not like being in front of the camera.


As far as what he is designing, I suspect he is unfamiliar with everything he is selling. And I often wonder whether he considers selling on a shopping channel more of a necessity for him and not necessarily something he really wanted in his career. I have read that many consider selling on shopping channels the kiss of death for their business. I am thinking of some famous jewelry designers who ended up selling here and their business took a nosedive. Just a thought....

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The famous design houses have always employed teams of designers.  Why should Isaac be any different? Why condemn him for following in the steps of the designers in whose houses he himself apprenticed and practiced?


if we have no flaws, no body issues perhaps then we can justifiably criticize others less perfect than ourselves.  Isaac often talks about his weight, assets and shortcomings.  His challenges and a humble spirit give him unique insight into needs of the women he dresses and he artfully accommodates for " imperfections" in his designs.  


Love Isaac, love his New Yorker's obsession with black.  Love the fact that he mills his own pomade and conditioners from essential oils, natural ingredients in his own kitchen to spike his own curly curly hair.  Love the fact that he dresses his body in tailored tees and jackets of the finest fabrics, his issue prone feet in expensive orthotics and foot ware.  


Isaac is a treasure! I don't like or wear everything he designs and represents but I do respect the man, the talent. My only complaint is that he is so rarely given the platform or  uninterrupted air space to share his genius with his audience ( his tv show was delightful!)

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if one googles Excel brands, it tells exactly what he does now that he sold. 

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I don't think any of the celebs actually have a hand in the designing or manufacturing of their lines.  These are generic lines that are only being marketed by them.  I feel we can get the same quality at Target (which I happen to think the consumer gets a great bang for the buck).  


Thnaks for for mentioning that Isaac has foot issues.  I have noticed him on air wearing shower shoes, now I understand why.  

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I like Isaac and I think that is just his 'look'. Some days he looks better than me...Smiley Very Happy