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Registered: ‎04-23-2010

I don't understand all the hype over Isaac, he's okay but is he all that and more, I am not so sure.. I don't care for his referring to everyone as "cutie" and he is forever asking .. Right , Right ? as if he has to be reassured that his pieces are as wonderful as he thinks they are.. I am tired of all of the floral this and that.. but that's just me.. I am happy for him that he is doing so well.. he is not one of my fav's and that's fine but I saw he is actually bringing out band aids.. yes band aids.. in floral design.. now that's going way too far for me .. no, cutie I don't think they will be on the Q

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I like Isaac Mizrahi very much. Granted, I am not now, nor was I ever a fan of the "floral trend," but all designers jumped on that train. I wouldn't knock Isaac for that; someone must be buying it since it it's still designed in everything. I don't even like the flower statement necklaces or floral handbags seen everywhere since last Spring. I think Isaac is funny, sweet, and truly seems to love designing for women. I'm not at all offended by "cutie" or his little catch phrases. [Offended by "cutie???" I'll happily take that.] Yes, he's designing Band-Aids, tissue boxes, cell phone covers, etc. Not sure why that's "way too far" for you; if you're not interested, don't buy it. Designer Cynthia Rowley did Band-Aid designs a couple of years ago. Why can't Isaac design whatever he wants? I could never understand if someone told me I should stop making something that can put a smile on someone's face. I probably won't be wearing them, but that's OK with me.

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I like him but I don't get all emotionally involved one way or the other when it comes to vendors or hosts. I don't dislike any of them. It is shopping & they are sales people. I am all about the products.

I don't care about the words any of them use, pronunciation, nicknames, personal stories, etc. It is part of the marketing.

I will admit that there are some vendors I'd enjoy "doing lunch" with or spending a day with because they seem interesting & knowledgable. IM is one of them. But that is not going to happen & it is really just a passing thought that I think I would like the person as a friend.

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Registered: ‎04-23-2010

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion correct ? I don't dislike Isaac, I just don't care for his clothes, I didn't care for him on Project Runway, I didn't hate him .. I watched it just like I watch him on the Q.. just an observation on my part.. I think he is great with Shawn .. they are on right now.. he is sweet with her ..I don't care for floral.. in clothing or perfumes.. just me.. you can wear all the floral you want .. I wont judge anyone on that .. feel him calling everyone cutie is funny.. odd.. that's it .. just like when something of his is about to sell out .he usually exclaims.. OH NO .. .. like he is disappointed in the fact that its selling out when that is the purpose.. just find him a little odd in a way.. don't hate him .. guess I just don't get it .. but I will continue to watch fact I have a blouse of his that I wear quite often and I think its has a very small print .. could be floral..

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Registered: ‎06-20-2010
On 10/20/2014 willdob3 said:

I like him but I don't get all emotionally involved one way or the other when it comes to vendors or hosts. I don't dislike any of them. It is shopping & they are sales people. I am all about the products.

Ditto! Double ditto!

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Registered: ‎09-05-2014

He was at one time great. But now he is dull. All that setting around. I wish he would add some FUN items. He needs a complete overhaul .

I do like his pink theme aside from that It bores me. Bought a huge set of jewelry and it is ok but have not really bought much more .

He needs a brighter host, one that is elegant and demands more detail of his line.

Sometimes a host can really light up a dull show.

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Isaac and Shawn were showing his menswear print pumps and Shawn didn't know what a pump was. Perhaps an illustrated fashion lexicon would be helpful to her.

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Posts: 3,846
Registered: ‎04-22-2014
On 10/20/2014 islandgrrl said:
On 10/20/2014 willdob3 said: <p style="font-size: 12.8000001907349px;">I like him but I don't get all emotionally involved one way or the other when it comes to vendors or hosts. I don't dislike any of them. It is shopping & they are sales people. I am all about the products.

Ditto! Double ditto!

Tripple ditto! Smiley Happy I like some of Isaac's products - blazers, coats - really great value for the quality.
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Registered: ‎03-01-2013
Everything new gets old. Isaac needs to change things up....same ol stuff, everything is MAJOR, right? Shawn is starting to rain on the parade... Like a dark cloud over every show she does( which are far and few any more....the positive thing).
Respected Contributor
Posts: 2,879
Registered: ‎06-20-2010
On 10/20/2014 BOYINTX said:
On 10/20/2014 seaside shopper said:

Isaac and Shawn were showing his menswear print pumps and Shawn didn't know what a pump was. Perhaps an illustrated fashion lexicon would be helpful to her.

ARE YOU SERIOUS ???? She is so dull and stuck on pity that it is a wonder she even knows what she has on...What is going on with Q ?

give her a little time slot to sale that SOLE TALKING STUFF but to have her on his fashion show is bringing it to a new level-LOW ! He has such great ideas but he needs a whole new concept.

Stuck on pity? What are you referring to?