Posts: 22
Registered: ‎03-14-2010

I need some honest opinions, please

OK.... I know you ladies will be upfront with me and I need some input. Yesterday I wore my new fuschia mesh top with the sunburst pleat skirt to work. I wore it with simple earrings, nude hose and plain black pumps. I usually wear pants or skirts with jackets, so I felt this was a bit more casual look for a Friday but still professional enough (I am an executive level administrator in the medical field) to be fine. Well, one woman told me she loved the top and it looked great, and another one said "Wow! You look so nice and dressed up - do you have a date after work?!" I was kind of taken aback - I don't consider that outfit really a dressy outfit, and now I am questioning whether or not it is appropriate for work. This woman is the one in the office who tends to keep the pot stirred, so to speak, and I am always instinctively really careful about what I say in front of her. Then she went on and on about how great I looked, she thought I was going some place special in it, but she didn't know if she would wear that to work or not.

Your opinions, please? I started out liking the outfit and feeling it was okay for work to feeling rather self-conscious the rest of the day. {#emotions_dlg.sad} I just moved here and don't have much of a social life yet, so I don't know where else I would wear it.

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Re: I need some honest opinions, please

She probably meant it as a compliment. When my daughter was growing up she grew quickly and was very tall. By the time she was fifteen she was 5' 11". I can not tell you how often she came home crying thinking people where making fun of her, when in reality they were either just making a mindless comment "wow you are so tall". Or trying to pay her a compliment "are you a model? I will never understand why people are so insensitive and think it is just fine to make comments and make others feel uncomfortable. I wonder how the person who asked you if you had plans after work would feel if you reversed it and looked at what she was wearing and said obviously you have no plans to go anywhere after work. If you left home feeling confident in your outfit. Where it again and do not let anyone steal your joy. Assume she was paying you a compliment and say Thank you.
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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: I need some honest opinions, please

It doesn't sound very pretty but I would have to see it. I don't think anyone wears nude pantyhose anymore.

And there was no one left to speak out for me....
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Re: I need some honest opinions, please

What is the item number of the top in question? Inquiring minds want to know! I bet your ensemble was amazing and you looked fabulous, Becca!

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Re: I need some honest opinions, please

On 1/6/2014 Bungo said:

I don't think anyone wears nude pantyhose anymore.

I guess that makes me a nobody.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: I need some honest opinions, please

On 1/6/2014 Bungo said:

It doesn't sound very pretty but I would have to see it. I don't think anyone wears nude pantyhose anymore.

I do. In the winter if I'm wearing a pencil skirt and a pump I wear will wear nude hose. It's too cold and my legs look better when they aren't tan. Many of nay friends will,wear nude hose.
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Re: I need some honest opinions, please

On 10/5/2013 graycatsrule said:

The work dress code is all that matters. You felt it was within the dress code and felt good wearing it. I'd continue wearing it.

Yes. She sounds like a person with a problem - don't allow it to become your problem, too. Enjoy your new outfit and have fun!