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I can't see Joan's line on the schedule anymore.

Am I looking in the wrong place or did they decide not to go through with it? Anyone know? I know they can't really continue the line without her but I had hoped we would at least see what was going to be presented in the upcoming show.

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Re: I can't see Joan's line on the schedule anymore.

It's maybe a little too soon for David. I'm sure they will reschedule
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Re: I can't see Joan's line on the schedule anymore.

Guess they have decided to take it off the schedule. It was on the schedule when I looked just the other day.....there was supposed to be a show Friday from 4-6 am and I was happy because I am off work that day so thought I could see it. I guess David is in no shape to come on just yet. Here's hoping they continue these shows down the would be a shame to stop them. If Quacker Factory can go on, why not Joan's shows?

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Re: I can't see Joan's line on the schedule anymore.

If you read either of David's FB pages you will see that he is devastated. I think it will be at least one to two months before they will feature Joan's line again. JMO

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Re: I can't see Joan's line on the schedule anymore.

There's so many rumors going around but people are saying Joan's stuff is going on clearance little by little and a few shows in the future and it's kaput but David kinda hinted that it's still continuing.
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Re: I can't see Joan's line on the schedule anymore.

On 9/10/2014 blossompie said: It's maybe a little too soon for David. I'm sure they will reschedule

Yeah, I totally understand.

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Re: I can't see Joan's line on the schedule anymore.

It will probably be discontinued. They wanted to phase her out before with jewelry and joan rivers beauty and she came up with fashion. Since she's gone it really won't be influenced by her any more. I think most people tuned in to see her sadly.
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Re: I can't see Joan's line on the schedule anymore.

Her ashes probably haven't even been buried yet!!!!

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Re: I can't see Joan's line on the schedule anymore.

It's due to her family and SHIVA is a week of mourning.

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Re: I can't see Joan's line on the schedule anymore.

I think it makes sense to give everyone who works for her company some time to mourn and regroup, don't you?

I don't see any reason to assume anything at this point.