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Re: How is Gary Goban 's nose ?

@SharkE wrote:

It was just a little spot like the size of your little finger, but, he took a long piece out. got  threads sticking out and putting polysporin on it twice a day.


I've been thru worse. Kind of hard to reach on the back and got nobody to help me. Husband died in June, so, it's me, myself and I. LOL


I hear you. I've had to tend to the stitches on my shoulder, chest and leg. I always think at least it's not my back because I wouldn't be able to reach it.


I'm sorry to read of your husband's passing @SharkE  

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Re: How is Gary Goban 's nose ?

My daughter's husband's family, it seems like, is always having cancer removed.  Mostly her mother in law and from her face.


But in her case she still worships the sun and goes on cruises maybe 10 months out of the year.


I agree, the word 'cancer' alone makes everyone nervous, and with good reason.


I hope he hears good news.  

I think it's always good these days that people are open about things like that....because it might help someone who's been sitting on the fence getting something checked out.

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Re: How is Gary Goban 's nose ?

[ Edited ]

My Dad had Basal Cell on his nose but didn't know what it was.  It went on for years, opening and healing, and eventually got the size of a quarter.  My Mom and I kept asking him to get it checked out and finally he did.  It was Basal Cell and he also had Sqasmous on the side of his face.  The doctor scheduled surgery and they removed everything which incorporated about the size of a half dollar.  The doctor said that he was about 1 mm away from losing the cartlidge in his nose!  They took a half dollar size piece of skin from his forehead (still attached with a blood supply) and covered the area.  They did a beautiful job!  His forehead lost whatever wrinkles it had.  The cancer was gone (they also removed what he had on the side of his face).  He was lucky and he looked wonderful! 


These skin cancers need to be checked out and removed as soon as you think something isn't right.

*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
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Re: How is Gary Goban 's nose ?

yeah, in Tx. everybody has had their turn and the office is full.

I'm paying for my bathing beauty antics from 50 yrs ago. Wish I could convince the younger generation .


They will take their turn yrs from now. We 've had 9 people in the church to come in with band aids on noses, forehead. Mine will be hid at least. tell 'em up front "no hugging or slapping on the shoulder "   don't want to get it to bleeding or rip a stitch. LOL


Ow we !

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Re: How is Gary Goban 's nose ?

Looking at that Jai guy doing the jewelry show . Can you imagine all these bald headed men who shave their heads exposing their scalps to the sun?


Yikes! must make the surgeons richer then ever.





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Re: How is Gary Goban 's nose ?

@SharkE.. condolences w/ your husband. Hope u heal quickly..
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Re: How is Gary Goban 's nose ?

Is there any update from Gary on Facebook ?  Cancer has always terrified me. I pray the biopsy comes back normal.

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Re: How is Gary Goban 's nose ?

I've searched over there daily and sent him a email but I don't understand Facebook you send a message and it disappears.

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Re: How is Gary Goban 's nose ?

Even people who do not worship the sun need to have check ups.  I never (and still don't) lay in the sun.  Even more than that, I avoid the sun when I can and use sunscreen for as long as I remember as the suh actually hurts my skin and I've had pre-cancerous bumps removed.  Even on my eyebrows and the hair doesn't grow back.... but this girl has the dreaded Scots-Irish skin and my spots started occurring the areas exposed while driving a car all my life in Southern Calif.  Side of face, arms. eyebrows, etc. etc.  Just keep an eye on your skin and have the doctor check it out occasionally.  It's important and most of it is fixable.... Woman Happy

*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*