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Re: How do you feel about Easy Pay?

I could not care less about easy pay.  I don't even take easy pay when it's offered.  I'd rather just pay for the entire item at once.  I ordered a Shark vacuum , once, on easy pay, and I hated those charges coming in monthly.  I ordered it on E/P by accident.


I refuse E/P for the most part (except when I take it by mistake).

"friends don't let friends drink white zinfandel"
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Re: How do you feel about Easy Pay?

@Trudey wrote:

I just wish QVC would offer real sale prices instead of acting like they are giving us something with their easy pay events.

EXACTLY--ditch the e/p and offer free shipping (we can only dream) or better sale prices.

"friends don't let friends drink white zinfandel"
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Re: How do you feel about Easy Pay?


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Re: How do you feel about Easy Pay?

@Trinity11 wrote:

I think on a large purchase it is nice to have. Small purchases confuse me and when the next month comes, I can't remember what I am paying for because all it says on my Amex bill is QVC 1 of 3. I try and avoid them now.

I have a Q card and use easy pay all the time. A bank card will state  QVC 1 of 3 and a long item number. The Q card will have a description of the item along with the 1 of 3 payment information. Makes if much easier to see at a glance what you are being charged for instead of looking up the item number on I do pay it in full every month so I am not socked with a bill that is too overwhelming. Just like the old school layaway.

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Re: How do you feel about Easy Pay?

I like Easy Pay - Once I know I am going to keep an item, I generally pay the balance. 


What I don't like about Easy Pay is that QVC thinks it is a good way to get us to pay ridiculously high prices for things. Spreading payments out over months does not decrease the total amount one has to pay. It is the goal amount I have to pay for something that matters the most to me. 

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Re: How do you feel about Easy Pay?

The way I "feel" about easy pay is, it's a great selling tool for QVC. I don't use it, but it appears many do since it's on the speed buy.
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Re: How do you feel about Easy Pay?

@Bird mama wrote:



If you regularly pay your Q card off each month, you might want to keep one easy pay thing going.  I'm fascinated by FICO scoring and I know that having some kind of balance, even a small one, on a credit card raises the FICO score.  Even if you pay the balance each month.


Seriously, I have a Visa, AMEX and mortgage.  I had a small balance on my Visa, my mortgage isn't done yet but I had no balance whatsoever on my Amex last month.  


I periodically take advantage of looking at my FICO score when I'm in my account.  They dropped my score from 850 to 828.  Can you believe it?  Only in America - gotta stay in some kind of debt, even a little one, to keep your FICO score up!

@Bird mama  The FICO score thing is crazy.  I paid off my mortgage and my score dropped 75 points.