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Re: How Often Do You Buy Clothes You Don't LOVE?

This is one thing I am trying to change.  I have always been price conscious but waste money, buying stuff that sits in my closet because it does not look good or does not match anything, because it was a bargain.  The few times I bought something I loved and did not worry about price I feel like I got my money's worth.  Having said that old habits are hard to break....Also I am very fickled.  I can love something when I buy it and hate it two weeks later.  Must have mental problems.

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Re: How Often Do You Buy Clothes You Don't LOVE?

Apparently a lot.


I only wear my 'comfortable clothes' now ... any waistband that requires a belt, or a structured jacket is still hanging in my closet never to see the light of day.  My corporate wardrobe will be going to an organization in my area that provides clothes for the 'less fortunate' who need an outfit for job searches and interviews.

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Re: How Often Do You Buy Clothes You Don't LOVE?

@chiclet wrote:

This is one thing I am trying to change.  I have always been price conscious but waste money, buying stuff that sits in my closet because it does not look good or does not match anything, because it was a bargain.  The few times I bought something I loved and did not worry about price I feel like I got my money's worth.  Having said that old habits are hard to break....Also I am very fickled.  I can love something when I buy it and hate it two weeks later.  Must have mental problems.

@chiclet,You know your clothes.  Maybe if you only buy pieces you know you can match five different ways.Smiley Happy

If you're buying something and then hate it, you may just enjoy "the thrill of the hunt".  You might want to go through your closet and consign whatever hasn't been worn in a year.  Consignment shops usually take things by appointment for spring and summer starting in March.  You might also want to get a copy of Color Me Beautiful (amazon).  It will help you put things together easily.

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Re: How Often Do You Buy Clothes You Don't LOVE?

@chiclet wrote:

This is one thing I am trying to change.  I have always been price conscious but waste money, buying stuff that sits in my closet because it does not look good or does not match anything, because it was a bargain.  The few times I bought something I loved and did not worry about price I feel like I got my money's worth.  Having said that old habits are hard to break....Also I am very fickled.  I can love something when I buy it and hate it two weeks later.  Must have mental problems.



A former QVC host used to remind viewers that "On Sale is NOT Free".     Just because it's on sale and a good buy doesn't mean you have to purchase it.  


My sister is an impulse buyer .... but, fortunately, she just returns it to the store within a few days.  lol

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Re: How Often Do You Buy Clothes You Don't LOVE?

[ Edited ]

@ECBG wrote:

I absolutely won't buy clothing that doesn't give me a smile and I'm excited that I bought it.  Unless it's underwear or the necessary basic, if I don't absolutely love it, there's no way!!!


When in your closet, how often have you bought to soothe a hurt or make due?


Image result for lady mad about shopping



I did this in my 20's .....  and there were times that I bought something because I wanted to go outside my comfort zone and "try something different".   Those were the things that were donated with the tags still on.   


It's not enough to LIKE a garment .....  you have to LOVE it.     No exceptions.    Duh.


Fast Forward to present day ......    I find the old 1 to 10 numbers rating saves me a lot of money.   If the garment isn't AT LEAST an 8.8 and make me VERY happy, I skip it.


There's always another fashion bargain coming up .....   someone is always having a sale.    



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Re: How Often Do You Buy Clothes You Don't LOVE?

I only buy what I love.  If I'm on the fence about it, chances are I don't love it.  I hate returning. 

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Re: How Often Do You Buy Clothes You Don't LOVE?

I've never bought clothing to soothe a hurt, but I have bought clothing to make due. I hate shopping for clothes and don't have lots of extras, I have mostly items I wear frequently. But that means that if I get a hole or a stain that can't be repaired or removed, I'm down an essential wardrobe item I need to replace ASAP, which increases the odds it's an item that gets me through the week and isn't something I love. 


I have some clothing items I love, but generally speaking, clothing has never been my thing and has always represented headaches for me more than anything else. 

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Re: How Often Do You Buy Clothes You Don't LOVE?

@ChynnaBlue The scenario you described is the reason I buy multiples of basics that fit and I don't want to be without. Once I know a wardrobe basic works for me, I will reorder a second one. I have always had a hard time finding pants with the right rise and inseam and shoes that fit my high instep (the vamp of many shoes are too tight). When I find a winner, I will purchase an extra. It's better than buying pant after pant, only to donate them. I only do this with building block pieces. I try to vary jackets, accessories, etc. so I can keep my look classic but colorful and interesting.

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Re: How Often Do You Buy Clothes You Don't LOVE?

@SunValley wrote:

@ChynnaBlue The scenario you described is the reason I buy multiples of basics that fit and I don't want to be without. Once I know a wardrobe basic works for me, I will reorder a second one. I have always had a hard time finding pants with the right rise and inseam and shoes that fit my high instep (the vamp of many shoes are too tight). When I find a winner, I will purchase an extra. It's better than buying pant after pant, only to donate them. I only do this with building block pieces. I try to vary jackets, accessories, etc. so I can keep my look classic but colorful and interesting.

Yes, @SunValley, that's exactly what I do, too. Unfortunately, since I buy multiples at about the same time, I run into a situation where many items need replacing at the same time. One month 3 of my pants will all get tears or holes, another month all my socks get holes. It's a vicious cycle of wear.

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Re: How Often Do You Buy Clothes You Don't LOVE?

Not often, but I have way too many clothes. I tend to wear basically the same clothes often and the rest not so much whether it be because of care or comfort or just laziness on my part.  I have at least 10 pairs of black pants - I don't have enough tops.  I have a closet full of sweaters that I only get to wear once or twice a year, but I love them so I keep them hoping we'll get a cold snap.  I have a few items I purchased thinking I would like it, but then the color wasn't for me and I didn't get around to returning it.  An example would be I purchased a Denim & Co. blouse in antique rose - just doesn't work in my clothing rotation. I don't normally buy much clothing from the TV and if I do on a rare occasion, I should know better than to step out of my color box and stick to basics. Lesson learned here.