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Has anyone here experimented with wardrobe capsules?

After reading about wardrobe capsules on several fashion blogs, I have become intrigued. I already do a pretty good job of sorting out my clothes by season, and very few pieces of mine see year-round wear.

I decided to make a list of my clothes, divided by category, for winter-spring, spring (which is a short season in Texas!), and summer (a very L-O-N-G season). When I see everything listed, I realize I'm in pretty good shape clothing-wise. I can also tell where I need to fill in.

The idea of a capsule wardrobe is to choose 30-40 pieces (or whatever feels comfortable to you) and wear only those clothes for the season. I did not count layering pieces, athletic wear or lounge clothes in my total. Then, put away the clothes that don't work for the next season and incorporate the next season's clothes. At the end of the season, you would also part with whatever is tired-looking or worn out. This method is supposed to help keep your closet(s) in better order. Many of the bloggers say they plan to purchase 4-8 pieces for each capsule, though their overall plan is not to increase their number of pieces.

Has anyone here tried this method? If so, how is it working for you?

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Re: Has anyone here experimented with wardrobe capsules?

I think I just did something akin to that, all without knowing there was a name for what I was doing.

My closet had become too crowded and I sorted and removed lots of items I knew I wasn't going to wear for the next few months. I'm left with what I can and will wear and the closet is so much easier to manage.

I also sorted all kinds of things I'd been hiding in the corners and just took three huge bags of clothes, shoes, handbags as well as packing materials and hangers and even a few knickknacks and donated to a local thrift shop. I'm loving the neat "new" space.

Thanks for that "capsule" name - I like it.

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Re: Has anyone here experimented with wardrobe capsules?

I have not tried it, but like you I love to read about it and see how other people do it. I feel like, as a teacher, kids are always looking at my clothes and will comment (good, bad, or ugly) on what I wear. I would expect to hear "boy, you sure wear that ___ a lot!" {#emotions_dlg.ohmy}

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Re: Has anyone here experimented with wardrobe capsules?

I'm still a little fuzzy on the capsule wardrobe concept, maddie. Don't we, especially people like me who live in a 4-season climate, just sort of naturally do this?

That being said, I put my money where my mouth is and took EVERYTHING out of my closet last weekend. I had mounds of clothes all over my bedroom and it worked well until one of the mounds slipped off the bed. {#emotions_dlg.sad}

By doing this I was really able to analyze and try on pieces to determine if I was ready to say goodbye. I did reorganize my closet into one side being winter and one side being summer. I don't even count spring and fall anymore--they seem to be short-lived seasons. Then, of course, within those seasons, clothing is separated by category, sleeve length, color, etc.

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Re: Has anyone here experimented with wardrobe capsules?

Here with basically only two "seasons" it is not needed. I simply keep skirts, pants, suits, jackets, and tops separated on hangers in my main walk in closet.

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Re: Has anyone here experimented with wardrobe capsules?

Mine is year-round, despite the four seasons, as I wear most everything alone or as a layer.

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Re: Has anyone here experimented with wardrobe capsules?

I don't call mine capsules, but I do have a Style App that allows me to categorize my wardrobe pieces in several ways including seasons. Having all this info in one App allows me to see what I have and what I might need. More than anything it discourages me from buying too much because I know have plenty of options already. I was looking through my spring summer items the other day, and realized what I need more than anything coming up is a few nice dressy short sleeve tops. I don't layer much in warmer weather and a nice top can make an outfit look so much better than just a casual tee.
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Re: Has anyone here experimented with wardrobe capsules?

My closet is done by color

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Has anyone here experimented with wardrobe capsules?

On 1/23/2015 magicmoodz said:

I'm still a little fuzzy on the capsule wardrobe concept, maddie. Don't we, especially people like me who live in a 4-season climate, just sort of naturally do this?

That being said, I put my money where my mouth is and took EVERYTHING out of my closet last weekend. I had mounds of clothes all over my bedroom and it worked well until one of the mounds slipped off the bed. {#emotions_dlg.sad}

By doing this I was really able to analyze and try on pieces to determine if I was ready to say goodbye. I did reorganize my closet into one side being winter and one side being summer. I don't even count spring and fall anymore--they seem to be short-lived seasons. Then, of course, within those seasons, clothing is separated by category, sleeve length, color, etc.

I do something similar to this and, sadly, had to laugh about clothes all over and a bunch of them slipping off the bed because it happens to me too EVERY time! This thread is very interesting to read what others experience. It seems as though my closet is always an "issue." Sigh.....
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Re: Has anyone here experimented with wardrobe capsules?

Our climate (weather) is such that the seasons overlap. For instance, it was 47 degrees today after a giant snowstorm 2 days ago. tomorrow it will be 49. here, we can wear shorts and (Birkenstocks) with socks or not. then we will be wearing our North Face down parkas and boots etc. I don't put things away. I can always wear a sweater over a sundress. Smiley Happy