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Re: Hanging on to old clothes

I believe it was Heloise who said, get rid of one old thing anytime you bring in one new thing into the house, and that to me is a great idea--be it clothes or anything!

"You never know when the last time is the last time."

"You never know when the last time is the
last time."
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Re: Hanging on to old clothes

I have some clothing and certainly accessories that are more than 20 years old. I am not a pack rat or holding on to the past. I just have always liked traditional, classically styled clothing and accessories of excellent quality. The type of clothing I like just does not go out of style.

When I buy new things, I gravitate to Linea by Louis Dell'Olio. Louis' quality is excellent and fits me beautifully. I also have liked some of Marla Wynne's pieces (especially the Luxe Crepe ones).

I have accumulated skirts and pants of various lengths and widths and various designs of jackets and tops so I can "go with the flow" with current trends.

Over the past decade or more, I have seen clothing costs sore and quality plummet. It makes me grateful that I have nice, timeless pieces in excellent conditiont that I still can use.

Apparently, others like my taste as well because I often get compliments and inquiries as to where I purchased items.

Regarding older women, I do have some older friends who are exquisite dressers. They have learned, over time, what colors and styles look best on them. I don't think that they look dated--just marvelously dressed. They, like me, love fashion and are eager to incorporate something new if it looks good on them and is of excellent quality. They definitely are not fashion "sticks in the mud"--just confident, impeccably dressed women.

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Re: Hanging on to old clothes

My college-student granddaughter loves vintage clothing, and pretty much exclusively wears skirts/dresses. Her HS graduation dress was one she picked up at an antique store!! I worked in a corporate office for many years, and had some lovely work dresses. I saved 6-7 of my favorites from the 80s-90s...they have been hanging in a downstairs closet. I won't ever wear them again, but I have a feeling my granddaughter is going to love them!!!!

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Re: Hanging on to old clothes

I just cleaned out my closet in preparation to move, and there were clothes in there that were more than 20 years old. Don't know why I just kept dragging it all around with me. It's finally gone now, I donated 15 bags to Goodwill. All suits, jackets, slacks, handbags, shoes, etc. from my working days. I finally realized I will never need them again. They are all in excellent condition, some are "dated" though. Believe it or not it was hard to part with some of it. Silly, isn't it? But I forced myself to keep only what I am wearing now and my closet looks almost empty. It's a relief.

Formerly Ford1224
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Re: Hanging on to old clothes

It's really no one's business what goes on in my closet. MYOB!

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Registered: ‎05-01-2010

Re: Hanging on to old clothes

I've always edited my closet regularly, but being a classic dresser, if I liked something, or felt it not easily replaced, I hold on to it, as I'm a stickler for quality and many things today are very expensive with dubious quality. No one would ever consider my clothing outdated. I've always been this way. I have a cashmere classic wrap coat I've had for 30 years. If one or two winters go by and I don't wear it, I'm not going to get rid of it, I would never be able to afford to replace it. It just goes to the back of my closet. I know ill want to wear it again. I tend not to buy trendy clothes and if I do, only if its a really good look for me, so even if the trend is gone, it doesn't look dated because its just flattering. I do buy crazy shoes but even there I'll put them away if not interested and if I'm just not thinking about them anymore, then I donate.
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Re: Hanging on to old clothes

Actually, I donate or discard more clothes now in my 60's than at earlier stages of my life.

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Re: Hanging on to old clothes

I have more clothes than I know what to do with and yet I keep buying more. Not sure why but I just love clothes. I do donate once in awhile but it's like pulling teeth. I always think well maybe I'll wear it someday.
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Re: Hanging on to old clothes

As I age I have older folks telling me to stop buying new things and I don't appreciate their input. I buy and dress for myself, always have. I have not changed my attitude towards clothing and/or shopping and I just wish they would keep their thoughts to themselves. I love to dress and style its part of who I am and I'm not changing.
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Registered: ‎08-21-2013

Re: Hanging on to old clothes

On 3/13/2015 zippyliverpants said: I've always edited my closet regularly, but being a classic dresser, if I liked something, or felt it not easily replaced, I hold on to it, as I'm a stickler for quality and many things today are very expensive with dubious quality. No one would ever consider my clothing outdated. I've always been this way. I have a cashmere classic wrap coat I've had for 30 years. If one or two winters go by and I don't wear it, I'm not going to get rid of it, I would never be able to afford to replace it. It just goes to the back of my closet. I know ill want to wear it again. I tend not to buy trendy clothes and if I do, only if its a really good look for me, so even if the trend is gone, it doesn't look dated because its just flattering. I do buy crazy shoes but even there I'll put them away if not interested and if I'm just not thinking about them anymore, then I donate.

Well said. I agree with you 100 per cent about the high cost of replacing perfectly good items with those of inferior quality. It just doesn't make sense.