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I have determined just talking to women, first hand with my mom's clothes, and reading bits and pieces here that as we age we donate less and have a tendency to keep old clothes.

For example, when my mom was living, if I really didn't force the situation, she would be wearing clothing she had 10 years + ago. She kept telling me "there's nothing wrong with that jacket, top etc. and I would say probably not but it's time to let go and just buy new tops, buy yourself a new jacket, new purse etc. It just seemed as she was getting older and older she didn't want anything new.

I'm like out with the old and in with the new. I really do believe the above philosophy is associated with older women.

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Re: Hanging on to old clothes

Well aren't you the controlling, my way is the best way, person. If you want to discard and get new that's your prerogative but who are you to decide for others or cast aspersions on those who feel otherwise?

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Re: Hanging on to old clothes

On 3/13/2015 occasional rain said:

Well aren't you the controlling, my way is the best way, person. If you want to discard and get new that's your prerogative but who are you to decide for others or cast aspersions on those who feel otherwise?

There's no controlling, it's an opinion and observation

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Re: Hanging on to old clothes

On 3/13/2015 nantucket shore said:

I have determined just talking to women, first hand with my mom's clothes, and reading bits and pieces here that as we age we donate less and have a tendency to keep old clothes.

For example, when my mom was living, if I really didn't force the situation, she would be wearing clothing she had 10 years + ago. She kept telling me "there's nothing wrong with that jacket, top etc. and I would say probably not but it's time to let go and just buy new tops, buy yourself a new jacket, new purse etc. It just seemed as she was getting older and older she didn't want anything new.

I'm like out with the old and in with the new. I really do believe the above philosophy is associated with older women.

Why would you decide for your mother? She had a right to decide for herself without you forcing your choice on her.

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Re: Hanging on to old clothes

I think a lot of people hold on to their old clothes, especially if they liked them for some reason. I doubt it has to do with age.
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Re: Hanging on to old clothes

I have always been one to hang on to clothing. In my young adult years, I had very little money, and it necessitated taking care of clothing and keeping it long, I couldn't afford to do otherwise.

In my mid thirties and on (I'm now in my 50's), I just have to admit, I hate clothes. I don't like to shop for them, try them on, and I'm not interested much in style. I still wear clothing and shoes from a decade ago. They are simple and classic styles, I never do much with fads, and they still fit and are in good condition. It isn't unusual for me to go several years and not purchase any new clothing at all. I don't have a job that requires a wardrobe, so I choose to spend my money on something else.

I think many older people ( those who would have seen WW II and before) remember to 'waste not want not', and truly don't find the need to always have 'new and better'. They are just happy to have enough.

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Re: Hanging on to old clothes

As a daughter I could do that with my mom and very happy I did so. The last year was a year of just hospitals and nursing homes and it's sad to see what I saw. I'm very happy my mom's clothing was updated, bright and fresh. I really do believe a person's attitude is reflective on that too.

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Re: Hanging on to old clothes

My grandmother hung onto her clothes forever; even the items she didn't like anymore, or hadn't worn for 10 years, hung in her closet until the day my mom and I cleared her home to sell it. The closet was packed, as were all the dresser drawers, of outdated clothing. We donated what was appropriate and in good shape, and the rest we burned or sent to the dump. My grandmother grew up extremely poor, so she never had really nice things, nor did she really know how to take care of what she did have. Her goal was to have a lot of things, and she achieved that, but there was very little value in what she had. My mom has lost a lot of weight since my dad passed, but every closet in her house is filled with clothes she can't or does not want to wear. I am working on her to get rid of those things this year, and start decluttering her house.
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Re: Hanging on to old clothes

I grew up with 'waste not want not' and to this day I agree totally. I have lots of new, but there is something special in holding on to the OLDER THINGS. Mine are made in America and for the most part held up over time. And as I see it styles come back. I hear that the 70's look is about to make a comeback in fashion.

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Re: Hanging on to old clothes

On 3/13/2015 nantucket shore said:I really do believe the above philosophy is associated with older women.


When I moved 1 1/2 yrs ago, I gave the Salvation Army all my clothes & shoes that I have not worn in over a year.

My motto: If it's not worn in a year, I either trash it or give it away.

"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."
