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I don't have the problem with t shirts but my bras are a different story. I wear a stretch bra with modesty pads in the cup. Once in awhile one of the pads will some how get out of one cup and wind up in the other cup perfectly aligned with it. It baffles my mind. The opening on each cup is about one inch and somehow the pad makes it out of 1 cup and perfectly in the other cup.  I don't know how the heck it does that!,!





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@meem120 wrote:

I don't have the problem with t shirts but my bras are a different story. I wear a stretch bra with modesty pads in the cup. Once in awhile one of the pads will some how get out of one cup and wind up in the other cup perfectly aligned with it. It baffles my mind. The opening on each cup is about one inch and somehow the pad makes it out of 1 cup and perfectly in the other cup.  I don't know how the heck it does that!,!

From what I have heard you don't wash the pads, you remove them before washing. They only mentioned this once on hsn when someone else had the same problem. 






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@Harpa wrote:

Who are the little gremlins hanging out in the dryer who turn tee shirts inside out? Whether cotton or fabric blends?


I dry everything on no heat, even towels. With clothing I dry on the gentle, perm press cycle.



@Harpa  The same little suckers who steal my other sock. Lol

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I haven't had any tee shirt issues since I purchased those plastic "dryer balls". I think they keep the clothing moving around in a circular motion...not getting stuck in one position.

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I line dry all of my clothes.


NO issue.  It takes 1 day.  Done.  


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@Harpa wrote:

Who are the little gremlins hanging out in the dryer who turn tee shirts inside out? Whether cotton or fabric blends?


I dry everything on no heat, even towels. With clothing I dry on the gentle, perm press cycle.






Next time turn your tees inside out before placing them in the dryer. That way they'll be turned right side out when you get them out of the dryer after their done.Woman Wink

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@ECBG wrote:

I line dry all of my clothes.


NO issue.  It takes 1 day.  Done.  


Woman Surprised Cat SurprisedRobot surprised

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I wash most of my clothes inside out. Then I put some of them on hangers, still inside out because of the possible bird poop, and hang them on the outside clothes lines.

In cold or wet weather, I have inside racks or lines I put up on the rafters to get the clothes dry.

Now that I read my post, I'm already getting tired. It is more work, but clothes and delicates do not shrink or get damaged. Sheets dry wonderfully fresh too.

I am also lucky to live in a very mild climate.