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i love color and i love prints (attitudes by Renee in particular) but i don't care for the first two at all.  the third one would look pretty wieh white pants, i think.  

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While I don't care for the examples shown above, I will just say, to each their own. Personally I have given up on QVC's fashion items as things I don't care for, nor would I wear. I shop in B&M stores, or other online destinations. For those who like these items, enjoy and wear in good health.
"To each their own, in all things".
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I can’t speak for the boomers, but I’m a gen-X’er and would wear the first one, own the third one, and object to the second one because of the neckline not the print.
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I don't like florals unless they are splashy abstract florals.  What I like best are geometrics and abstracts.  


Like @fancy pantsy mentioned ... I do like the majority of Renee's Atttudes prints. (Before she brought Attitudes to QVC, I ordered it from catalogs)  I also like some of SG's prints and LOGO's prints, and even some of Bob Mackie's.


The only D&C items I've purchased in recent years is their original waist pants.  They sold a gazillion pairs of them and I have a half a gazillion pairs.  


BUT years ago - D&C had some nice styles.  I have a few jackets in the closet from "the old days."  





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'Winter floral prints' are a trend right now. So I think they'll be gone soon enough.

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I "use to be" a big Denim & Co. fan, back when it was more classic casual styling, but IMHO, Gary has ruined the name!  I hardly buy anything anymore, except the side pocket pants in petite, about the only denim like pants I can find to fit, and they are not perfect!


I do like floral prints, but not these huge prints, I am more a "ditsy" print person or embroidered items.  They may look good on tall slim woman, but not on a short plump one, like me, LOL!


And yes   .......  to each her own!

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My husband was sitting with me having coffee and watching that D&Co. show and when those those gaudy flowered tops came on, he called them clown clothes.I explained to him that some women like the larger flowered prints and he said he hoped I wasn't buying these. I buy what I want, if he doesn't like it, it's not my problem, that being said , the tops do look gaudy. IMO

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@blackhole99 wrote:

My husband was sitting with me having coffee and watching that D&Co. show and when those those gaudy flowered tops came on, he called them clown clothes.I explained to him that some women like the larger flowered prints and he said he hoped I wasn't buying these. I buy what I want, if he doesn't like it, it's not my problem, that being said , the tops do look gaudy. IMO

Clown are dressing very well these days.  I had no idea.   Kudos to the clowns.  

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Denim & Co has changed quite a bit.


Never really bought a whole lot from this line, but what I do have is nothing like what their offering sometimes now.


I think that the line was better when it was more basic styles and colors and not all this trying to keep up with the latest fashion trend or latest colors. Does not mean boring.


Big prints in any brand are not the most flattering thing a lot of the time for a lot of women. Prints yes, ridiculously loud or ridiculously big  - especially with poor placement of the pattern do not do anyone any favors.


And, as for Gary, I still do not see the point of him being on the shows - he adds absolutely nothing. The host can handle the show just fine without him.

-Texas Hill Country-
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I agree with you. I am 64 and I don't want to dress like that, either. Still, there must be a market for what they are offering because that ine has been around for years.