She's a very pretty girl...beautiful gown but a bit mature in my opinion for a 12 year old.
I can remember back when I was 12 Twiggy was popular. I wanted to wear eye makeup and lipstick so much but my mother made me wait until I was in high school. I can remember sneaking beige lipstick once I left the house then wiping it off before arriving back home.
I see that girls today including Blue Ivy don't have those restraints. It's certainly a different era.
Wow, pretty pic. Although I have to say that even though she will be 13 in less than a month, she looks well endowed. I guess I am from a different era or century. Lol
I would give everything I own just to have you back again.......David Gates of Bread
I think that Blue Ivy looks pretty. A poster referred to implants. I had plenty naturally in those implant areas when I was 12. I was younger than most I guess, my body started charging to a woman when I was 10. So I think she's natural with maybe help from a bra.