In general and not specific to one host: I do think that if many of the hosts would just slow down their talking, all would be much better. Jennifer has. And her grammar is excellent. BTW, I like all of the hosts. It's just that in many areas of the country, talking too fast is something we aren't used to. Could be a regional thing? It's hard to figure out, though. I don't know of anyone in real life over here that is a fast talker. Well, yes, sometimes when an assistant leaves a message on my phone...........hard to decipher exactly what she said. Too fast. And when I call back and eventually am able to reach/ask, they never seem to know why they called to begin with! .......... lol ....... I'm an advocate of keeping a clipboard by their phone(s), taking/making notes regarding why they called in the first place! .......Edited: P.S. Wishing each and every host the best!
We all want QVC to be successful. Better for all concerned, including ourselves.
'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).