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Well, they can poof them all they want, but
a lot of us won't be watching Shawn, me included..

That's how we roll in the shire..
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On 1/6/2015 Newnick ame said: Somehow I can't imagine going to the local Stop and Shop for a pound of the special chicken salad and, when seeing that Sal is behind the deli counter instead of Dean, skulking away without my purchase. I remember a long time ago at the dawn of shopping TV that I wondered how an intertainment medium could possibly be blended to successful hawking. I guess I'm finding out.

Interesting post, Newnick ame. I've said on other threads that the host doesn't make that much difference to me when it comes to a decision to buy (or not buy), but I never thought of it the way you expressed it. It speaks to home shopping's reliance on impulse purchases, perhaps.


Few things reveal your intellect and your generosity of spirit—the parallel powers of your heart and mind—better than how you give feedback.~Maria Popova
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A tag team of terrible that I plan to avoid.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010
On 1/5/2015 Chi-town girl said:
On 1/5/2015 redngold said:
On 1/5/2015 Chi-town girl said:
On 1/5/2015 stevieb said:

Interesting, but if she and Lori are part of the foursome, I won't be seeing a lot of them at all...

Lol-this plan has as much appeal (NOT!) as the carousel of hosts. Each week PMStyle is getting worse in terms of offers, merchandise and esp the poor interim host performance. Very clear that Q has no decent plan subsequent to Lisa's departure. Even if there is an item of interest to me, the average s&h of 7 for a single apparel item is a deal breaker. Predicting a significant decline in Q1 year to year sales and maybe for the year, but the higher s&h-pure profit will help to offset some of the decline. It does appear Q is committed to the few "meh" house brands. Sad...

I think the Q is going to do just fine. lol

lol, how many orders did you place today or any of the recent PMS shows? Q is counting on you & others that are happy with the change. My last order was on Dec 12 & nothing remotely of interest to me now or on the horizon. I averaged 1-2 orders per month last year.

Chi-town I completely agree with you. I have watched maybe 10 minutes combined from the PMS shows since Lisa Left, bought nothing. My last purchase was the Leather jacket from Dec 12th show too. BTW, its FABULOUS!!!!!! got the black!

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

The merchandise being sold on QVC hasn't changed.

I find it odd that someone wouldn't purchase items they were buying before just because a certain host has left. You either like the items or you don't, regardless of who is selling them.

I can say that the amount of orders I place during PMS were 0 before Dec. 12 and have been 0 since Dec. 12. Actually, the number of orders I've placed during PMS for the last 3+ years have been 0. It has nothing to do with Lisa, it has to do with the items being offered.

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Registered: ‎03-27-2014
On 1/7/2015 LisaB said:
On 1/5/2015 Chi-town girl said:
On 1/5/2015 redngold said:
On 1/5/2015 Chi-town girl said:
On 1/5/2015 stevieb said:

Interesting, but if she and Lori are part of the foursome, I won't be seeing a lot of them at all...

Lol-this plan has as much appeal (NOT!) as the carousel of hosts. Each week PMStyle is getting worse in terms of offers, merchandise and esp the poor interim host performance. Very clear that Q has no decent plan subsequent to Lisa's departure. Even if there is an item of interest to me, the average s&h of 7 for a single apparel item is a deal breaker. Predicting a significant decline in Q1 year to year sales and maybe for the year, but the higher s&h-pure profit will help to offset some of the decline. It does appear Q is committed to the few "meh" house brands. Sad...

I think the Q is going to do just fine. lol

lol, how many orders did you place today or any of the recent PMS shows? Q is counting on you & others that are happy with the change. My last order was on Dec 12 & nothing remotely of interest to me now or on the horizon. I averaged 1-2 orders per month last year.

Chi-town I completely agree with you. I have watched maybe 10 minutes combined from the PMS shows since Lisa Left, bought nothing. My last purchase was the Leather jacket from Dec 12th show too. BTW, its FABULOUS!!!!!! got the black!

Hi LisaB & Happy New Year! I hope the GILI items that were planned for 2015 do come to fruition. Am interested in some of the new handbags that are on the GodFreak sneak peek list & the "Cavalli" leather jacket that was scheduled for Feb. These items all involved Lisa-her style & inspiration, and that is of interest to me. I'm monitoring the Milano bag and the stirup "Gucci" bag for price reductions. Since Lisa's departure, I have looked online for the items scheduled for the recent PMS shows/viewed specific products, so no need to waste time watching unwatchable boring shows. The attempts by Jayne & Pat to present the GILI bags during their PMS assignments were painful train wrecks. Hard to believe these are seasoned hosts! 8For those that believe the hosts have no impact on sales, and that we all just buy the merchandise regardless, are clueless about this business model. If that were the case, Q could dump all the hosts, and show recorded presentations on a loop ;-) Infomercials & TV shopping businesses are very much dependant on the hosts & vendors-personality, selling style & most critically ability to relate/connect with shoppers. Toss into the mix, the outrageous Q shipping charges vs most other online options effectively results in a decline in sales across the board.

The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality ~  Dante Alighieri
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Well, for me, this is the worst news ever. A clothing designer whose clothes I find extremely unattractive, each and every piece. I'm not referring to Isaac although I can only watch his featured programs with other hosts than the usual sidekick on Mondays.

I continue to wish that Amy had purchased maternity clothes; I can only still see her in a really tight white dress that she was wearing almost every day her last two months of her pregnancy. I was truly distressed over it - can't watch her at all. That whole scene day after day was tasteless.

I won't even waste your time and mine with an entry regarding Shawn.

I won't watch a single minute of any of it.

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Posts: 19,537
Registered: ‎04-28-2010

In general and not specific to one host: I do think that if many of the hosts would just slow down their talking, all would be much better. Jennifer has. And her grammar is excellent. BTW, I like all of the hosts. It's just that in many areas of the country, talking too fast is something we aren't used to. Could be a regional thing? It's hard to figure out, though. I don't know of anyone in real life over here that is a fast talker. Well, yes, sometimes when an assistant leaves a message on my phone...........hard to decipher exactly what she said. Too fast. And when I call back and eventually am able to reach/ask, they never seem to know why they called to begin with! .......... lol ....... I'm an advocate of keeping a clipboard by their phone(s), taking/making notes regarding why they called in the first place! .......Edited: P.S. Wishing each and every host the best! Smile We all want QVC to be successful. Better for all concerned, including ourselves.

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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IMHO Lori's LOGO is perfectly awful. Isaac is probably a good designer, but his thins just don't appeal to me. I enjoy shawn and Amy, but the foursome is a waste to me. The only two folks who could make it worse both begin with the letter A. Sorry if you like them. I don't.

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Posts: 952
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

I have a feeling there will be many changes at QVC. Unfortunately, that won't include the same stale merchandise. If Antonella, Jill and Courtney, do shows for QPlus plus Kerstin has done shows in the past. It looks like they are going back to 2 channels again. The Fashion Channel years ago wasn't on all the time. I think they will fill in with previously recorded programs but we'll see Jill's shows, Albany's exercise, Courtney's fashion and Antonella jewelry for a start. They need to look at the poor merchandise and shipping costs that are through the roof first.