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Registered: ‎05-23-2013
On 1/7/2015 aggravated said:

Well, for me, this is the worst news ever. A clothing designer whose clothes I find extremely unattractive, each and every piece. I'm not referring to Isaac although I can only watch his featured programs with other hosts than the usual sidekick on Mondays.

I continue to wish that Amy had purchased maternity clothes; I can only still see her in a really tight white dress that she was wearing almost every day her last two months of her pregnancy. I was truly distressed over it - can't watch her at all. That whole scene day after day was tasteless.

I won't even waste your time and mine with an entry regarding Shawn.

I won't watch a single minute of any of it.

Dear "aggravated": your post made me completely ties in with your nickname....I feel the exact same way you are not alone in this opinion...{#emotions_dlg.crying}

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Posts: 312
Registered: ‎05-23-2013

I just want to add one more thing........of all the hosts QVC could put together for the Monday evening programming, they chose those four ???? With the possible exception of Amy (who still talks too fast), I just won't be tuning in on Monday evenings any longer....just can't take it!!!!! too bad, though.......{#emotions_dlg.blush}

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Registered: ‎06-19-2010
On 1/5/2015 morning glory said:

Monday's will be lots of fun with those four. I'm in.

Mondays will be awful with those four. I am out. And will save lots of money.

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Registered: ‎03-30-2010

I am THRILLED with the complete lineup! For me, it means a new LOGO item each week as opposed to each month, and I absolutely love Shawn and Isaac. For those of you who seem to despise the new Monday programming -- and vow not to watch -- I hope you keep your word and refrain from continually complaining on this forum.

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Registered: ‎11-08-2011

Looking forward to the entire lineup. It should be fun.

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Amy is the only 1 I will be watching. Can't stand IM,LG, or Shawn.

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On 1/7/2015 ROMARY 1 said:

In general and not specific to one host: I do think that if many of the hosts would just slow down their talking, all would be much better. Jennifer has. And her grammar is excellent. BTW, I like all of the hosts. It's just that in many areas of the country, talking too fast is something we aren't used to. Could be a regional thing? It's hard to figure out, though. I don't know of anyone in real life over here that is a fast talker. Well, yes, sometimes when an assistant leaves a message on my phone...........hard to decipher exactly what she said. Too fast. And when I call back and eventually am able to reach/ask, they never seem to know why they called to begin with! .......... lol ....... I'm an advocate of keeping a clipboard by their phone(s), taking/making notes regarding why they called in the first place! .......Edited: P.S. Wishing each and every host the best! Smile We all want QVC to be successful. Better for all concerned, including ourselves.

I think they are directed by QVC to talk fast so as to get more products in the hour. I really dislike it and they all do it now. When I first became a QVC shopper they didn't speak so fast and all acted in a professional manner. That has all disappeared.

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Daysdee: Could very well be true............Maybe I'm a bit envious, as I wouldn't be able to think/talk as fast! It does take a certain 'type' of person to be able to do that, I'm guessing. Smile

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Registered: ‎05-20-2014

Looks like FUN! I'll be watching. I think Amy is absolutely the best! She knows so much about fashion, and she presents really well. Love Courtney too.

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Registered: ‎09-24-2010
On 1/7/2015 Lanikins said:

I am THRILLED with the complete lineup! For me, it means a new LOGO item each week as opposed to each month, and I absolutely love Shawn and Isaac. For those of you who seem to despise the new Monday programming -- and vow not to watch -- I hope you keep your word and refrain from continually complaining on this forum.

Lanikins, AMEN SISTER!