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@Buttercups@Dawnie@Bird mama@Snicks1@MaggieMack


If I missed someone, please forgive.

Signing off the chat now... wishing everyone a great day, weekend and week ahead!

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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@lolakimono wrote:

@Lyn08 wrote:

@lolakimono - Ha, I'm glad I'm not the only one with a "black thumb" (I always called it a "brown thumb").  I remember buying lots of plants and setting them out on my balcony.  I tended them carefully, watering and using the recommended fertilizer.  They looks really nice for a short time, and then they just "bit the dust".  I think I'd probably kill an artificial plant, ha!  My mother could grow anything -- she did organic gardening before it was popular.  I think I have my dad's gardening gene (he couldn't grow anything either).


Funny story RE gardening...


One day, at school, we received an e-mail saying that Girl Scout Troop X would be delivering the plants we requested for our classrooms, as part of their service project to clean the school's air.


Sure enough, a plant is delivered (although I certainly never requested one) with a picture about it and how to care for it.

Flummoxed, I did what one is supposed to do (watering, etc.) and it wasn't too long before it looked like Charlie Brown's Christmas tree. Cat Sad I took it over to my neighbor across the hall, who started roaring with laughter.  Cat LOLI said, "listen, you have to help me because I'm terrified of these Girl Scouts.  I don't know who they are or what they want, but I'm sure they are going to check on this plant."  She agreed to take care of it, and before long it looked bushier than a Chia pet.  When she left school at the end of the year and announced she was transferring, I told her she had to make plans for the plants.


I haven't seen the Girl Scouts since then, but I'm pretty sure that I'm on their blacklist.  Cat Embarassed



Winner of funniest story ever, lola

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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@LTT1 - That is so funny!  Thanks for sharing.


My mom was a great gardener.  My dad would get the soil ready for her, but she would do all the planting and tending of the plants.  She also did a lot of canning and freezing of fruits and vegetables.  Everything was so good!


My dad decided he would take care of this plant that grew at the side of our house.  Mom chuckled (not in front of him, of course), because she knew it was a weed and not a genuine plant.  The "weed" grew so tall, it almost came up to the roofline.  We had company one day (neighbors), and our guests were invited out to see my mom's garden.  Then I remember the woman saying my dad's plant was a weed that grows out in a pasture.  It didn't take long for my dad to dig up his "plant".  I didn't dare say anything, and I was just a kid at that time, but I remember that "plant" to this day.

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@Dawnie wrote:



Sorry to hear about the BC.   Prayers for you.  


When I have an MRI I keep my eyes closed and think of the beach, travel, pretty scenes.  Eyes always closed!  Try to relax and think pretty things.   


When is your MRI scheduled?   


Thank you Dawnie.  Sorry to be so late in answering you - got sidetracked this a.m.

MRI is Wed. A.M.

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@Bird mama wrote:

So, anyone have one of these bliss recliners?  Many years ago, I bought my mom one of these.  The brand was LaFuma and I paid ALOT.



Sorry to be so late in responding, but got sidetracked this a.m. and just now was reading all the posts.  Last year I bought the blue, same price.  The plan was to use it when we go to the beach.  It is so heavy that we had to do away with that idea.  It is comfortable though.


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Registered: ‎03-09-2010
@Lyn08... Great story about your dad babying that weed at the side of the house Awww
~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~