@Jeddy, when you get your new iPad, make sure that your old one has been backed up. When you start your new one and you sign in with the same Apple id as your old iPad, there will be a few options on the screen - set as new, set up as your other iPad, or set up as another Apple device (if you have one), and I think transferring from a android device. Just choose set up as your other iPad. I wouldn't be surprised if there are software updates, also. After your new is up and running, I like to go to Settings>general>about, then I change the name of my iPad to my name + what generation ipad I have. If you are not keeping your old iPad, there are a few other things that you need to do on that one. But, I would call 800-MYAPPLE and they can go through each step with you. If you're not comfortable starting the new one on your own, you can call them for help. Hope this helps.