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On fb, been weeks now i can not do this with any friends,checked  setting, getting frustrated,any help,please?

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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Are you using the app or using a browser?

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Re: Privately messaging

[ Edited ]

On my phone I recently had to upgrade/update the Messenger app.

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Have you tried asking one of your friends to PM you and see what happens going the other direction?

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Maybe they turned off Messenger, or blocked you.

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@goldensrbest wrote:

On fb, been weeks now i can not do this with any friends,checked  setting, getting frustrated,any help,please?





"Weeks"? Sounds like you don't use PM too often. Several good replies prior to this post. Will wait to see if you let those other posters know if their help worked for you.


No need for me to add another possible solution if 1 of the others fixed your PM issue. 


hckynut 🇺🇸





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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

No , people did not turn me off ,now i have a different problem, i changed browsers,from safari to chrome, i hate chrome and can not re install safari, no matter what i do ,going to preferences, nothing works for me ,can not get into my favorites, how to get safari back ,please,i messed up !!!

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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@goldensrbest wrote:

No , people did not turn me off ,now i have a different problem, i changed browsers,from safari to chrome, i hate chrome and can not re install safari, no matter what i do ,going to preferences, nothing works for me ,can not get into my favorites, how to get safari back ,please,i messed up !!!

You have a problem which needs professional help. Changing browsers doesn't cause this problem.  Call Apple care and get help.  

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@goldensrbestI can PM on my desk top without needing messenger. I have message on my page shut off in my settings so not everyone can message me. Only the few friends I have. I am not a very public person so I don't message much. I am only saying this because you could try a desktop (laptop) and see if it works that way.


I know on a phone FB forced everyone to get Messenger but I didn't get it so I can't help you there.


Safari is part of the operating system for Apple so you definitely need to call Apple (or fo to an Apple store if one is nearby). Apple is so secure with their stuff I doubt you can just download it but they might be able to do a factory reset and then reload all your own stuff (which they would back up for you first) to get Safari back.


If you hate Chrome try Firefox. I love Firefox, with the exception of how many updates they do but it is always for security, it is just annoying. I don't let them auto update. I get a notice up in the corner there is an update and I do it when I get around to it.


Firefox also has a tablet/phone version (app) which I like also and you can sync whatever devices you have together if you choose to.