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Re: Opinions on iphone 8+ vs. iphone10

Nothing wrong with that, so do my kids basically. DH's phone is provided by his employer, I had to buy the 6S so I will have this thing for a longggg time. Save your pennies for an Apple, you'll have no regrets! 

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Re: Opinions on iphone 8+ vs. iphone10

@Deanie wrote:

@Sweet_Serenity  That is what I am worried about too.

Staying with Samsung.. I have never experienced a problem.

Looking Upgrade black friday either S7 or S8 both are great!


Happy Thanksgiving-🍁🍂

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Re: Opinions on iphone 8+ vs. iphone10

Had a droid many years ago and switched to Apple.would not go back. In fact I just ordered the X. Nice phone. Won’t be here for about three weeks. 

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Re: Opinions on iphone 8+ vs. iphone10

used samsung for years and also an LG switched to Iphone7+ last year and will not go back to Android.  Really no learning curve..and i am no spring chicken..

Good luck in whatever you decide!!

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Re: Opinions on iphone 8+ vs. iphone10



A suggestion: you may want to check online for reports of battery life.

We got the 6S ... I have a model that should be given a new battery b/c mine is defective. (It causes the phone to buzz at odd times and the phone completely quit when we went to the “ICE” show 9 degrees last year with our kids. Apple WILL give new batteries to these phones.


Wondering if the battery issue caused release of an 8?


I only use my iPad Pro for majority of my time now. No laptop is much in use around here.


Did use an iPad Air mostly for the last three years. I think Apple has discontinued iOS upgrades for the air?

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: Opinions on iphone 8+ vs. iphone10

Thank you everyone on your opinions. Much appreciated

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Re: Opinions on iphone 8+ vs. iphone10

👌🏽Thank you for the heads-up. I have had no problems with the 6 (knocking wood) and I can't vouch for the Air has I don't own one or know anyone that has one. I would be sure to check that out if the upgrades aren't updating though if I ever do get one. They could have very well brought out the fix in the 8S. My two adult daughters just upgraded their 5's to the 8S and are loving it. I'm happy with the 6 for my needs. It's great to have a computer at your fingertips but they are getting SO 💰so they have to last for me.


My iPad vs a PC desktop  or laptop serves me very well. It's portable, I take it with me everywhere. I had an off brand tablet that stunk so ill never purchase anything but an Apple ever again. I was a doubting Thomas too before I was 'enlightened'. Lol. 

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Re: Opinions on iphone 8+ vs. iphone10

I am the opposite - an iPhone user who switched to Android (LG V30) and so far I’m very happy. Love my iPad Pro and will probably always have an iPad, but I just wouldn’t pay the iPhone X price. In addition, the reason I purchased the LG was because my iPhone 6S had such a kwappy internal antenna I literally could not use it, it was largely non-functional, and I frankly had no confidence the new iPhones would be better in that regard. My new phone has no such issues. Did my first update/security patch today and it went far smoother than any iPhone update ever. Just my experience.


Oh yes there IS a learning curve, both ways.

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Re: Opinions on iphone 8+ vs. iphone10

I’m only capable of navigating Apple/Mac equipment, and if there were an X+, that’s what I’d prefer. I just don’t like small sized phones AT ALL.


The camera and the sound system on the 8+ are superior to the 6+, my current phone, so I’ll be going for that.

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Re: Opinions on iphone 8+ vs. iphone10



Thsnk you for liking my avatar... which made me look st yours... so cute too!



~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~