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Re: Got Windows 10 Update

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We won't be installing it on our computers until it's been out a bit & we hear about any problems. I'm not in a hurry since Windows 7 works fine. My sister wanted to install it on her laptop. We told her go ahead but don't start calling & emailing us with all your questions because we won't have answers until we install it. DH will have to install it on our desktop & 2 laptops. He will also install on my dads, his moms & a couple other family members computers. Several of these computers he will have to get on remote with Team Viewer to install Win10 since they live in different states.

Forgot to say we will be backing up all the computers to our external hard drive before we do this. DH already has 8.2 on his laptop so he will probably install it on there 1st & use for a while before we do the other computers.

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Oh, I see! I'm liking Wiindows 10!


TBH I really didn't read up on Windows 10 so I didn't know what it entails. It's kinda like Google Now or should I said "OK Moto X" since I have Moto X where it's speaking/listening to me at all times.


So now there's Cortana (Windows version of what I call Google Now) where you're able to speak to it and it answers you. (I don't know if this was a features on Windows 8.1 because I didn't explore it). After setting up a Microsoft account (and you have to in order to use Cortana just like android users have to have a Google acct in order to use their service) you have the use of Cortana. 


I tested Cortana by asking a few questions: what's the weather, what's today's date, when does summer end. (Yeah, boring questions but whatever)


There's one thing I would advise people to do that I didn't do (but didn't need to) is to find out what happens if your Windows upgrade is stuck at certain point. (I only say this because when I got a Lollipop update froom KitKat last month, my upgrade was stuck at 13% for hours where I had to call Motorola. (They told me to hold the power button and volume for 5 minutes!)


During Windows update there were parts where it stayed, let's say at 4% installing for awhile where I thought maybe it was stuck but waited it out and then jumped to, say from 4% to 30% in a second. Just remember never turn off your computer while you're updating.


I took a pic of the update. (don't laugh I'm a loser)IMG_20150729_132320528.jpg

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If you have any programs that are not microsoft like chrome browser and itunes do not update to windows 10.  I was able to reinstall chrome browser but not itunes.  Microsoft wants everything microsoft.  

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@lovescats wrote:

If you have any programs that are not microsoft like chrome browser and itunes do not update to windows 10.  I was able to reinstall chrome browser but not itunes.  Microsoft wants everything microsoft.  

Sorry you're have issues. My only glitch was Norton but it has been resolved.


My Chrome actually is fine w/all my bookmarks; the only difference is that the page is all white (no blue tabs).


I just opened up my iTunes and it works fine on my computer. Good thing because I still have a substantial credit on my acct.

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Re: Got Windows 10 Update

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I installed Windows 10 last night.  It took a little over an hour from start to finish.  The installation was flawless and I only had to reposition the icons on my desktop.  All of my legacy programs work well, as do all the current programs.


I had Win 8 configured as closely as possible to look and act like Win 7 and all my settings were preserved.


I have a new laptop coming in the next week or so that has Win 10 installed.  I'm hoping configuring the new laptop to mimic my current one is as easy and seamless as upgrading to Win 10 was on this machine.

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Asked Cortana "what's this song" and she's 2/2. Smiley Winkcortana.jpg

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I'm really on the fence about what to do.  I have an almost brand new Windows 8 laptop that I refuse to use because it is such a miserable machine.  That was $1200 thrown away.  


I'm mostly a Mac person, but needed a Windows machine to use for my sewing and embroidery software.   This was one of the new solid state models and was very light weight, which was good for the arthritis in my hands.  But, it's just collecting dust because everytime I turn the darned thing on, it sucks in every virus known to man.  It's like it has an open gateway and Norton's isn't helping one bit.  It's the strangest thing I've ever seen.


I spent more time removing trojans and viruses than I actually used the computer, so I'm thinking Windows 10 can't be much worse.  In the meantime, I'm back using my Windows 7 laptop.


My husband "sacrificed" one of his laptops and downloaded Windows 10 last night.  He's the expert in the family.  So, I'll see what he thinks and maybe wait until he feels a lot of the bugs are worked out.


I'll never buy a Windows machine again.

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Just upgraded my Windows 7 laptop to Windows 10, and I'm not too happy about it. My touchpad does not function correctly now. If I want to either single click or double click on something, nothing happens. I have to use the left and right buttons instead of just being able to tap anywhere on the touchpad itself. And, scrolling is interesting. At first, I thought that function had disappeared totally. Then discovered that it still works--but backwards! Pages now scroll in the opposite direction from which I'm moving my fingers. From what I've read on the Internet, I'm not alone with having these problems. Fortunately, I have a wireless mouse connected that is working fine. 


Also, Norton popped up with a message about MS's Edge not allowing the use of Norton extensions, so no toolbar. That's OK since I mainly use Chrome, but I thought Norton had worked out their problems with Windows 10. Oh well, you have 30 days in which to revert back to your previous OS. If MS hasn't worked out the issues people are having with their touchpads, I may go back. (Oh, to my surprise, my fingerprint scanner still works. I fully expected problems with that, not with my touchpad!)



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You may already know this, but you can run Windows 10 on your Mac since it allows dual booting into either OS X or Windows.  Here some info on installing it:

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It is possible that your touchpad driver needs to be updated.  You can either have windows try to do that or check with your computer manufacturer to see if there is an update.

The eyes through which you see others may be the same as how they see you.