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Do you change the "theme" on your phone or computer?

I love to change them around  - I just took off the Valentines Day one and was looking for a St Patty's one but they aren't available yet. I have a default one of a beautiful blue sky and daisies when there is nothing else I want. I get a lot of comments from people when they see them. Even the ones I have to pay for are always under $1, and then it stays in the memory as long as you have the phone unless you erase it, so you can go back to it over & over.

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Re: Do you change the "theme" on your phone or computer?

Sometimes I change mine.  I have NY Yankee wallpaper on my cell phone but nothing on the lock screen.


I sometimes change the background on my laptop but haven't recently.


I always change the cover on my Facebook page, that one I change with each holiday/season.

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Re: Do you change the "theme" on your phone or computer?

I also like changing my wallpapers on my phone; I adore Microsoft's/Bing wallpapers and whenever I find ones that are especially appealing to me, I save it onto my Google Drive.

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Re: Do you change the "theme" on your phone or computer?

I change my desktop pic just about every day.  Depends on my mood.


Since it snowed the other night, my desktop pic is "snow."


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Re: Do you change the "theme" on your phone or computer?

I change the wallpapers on my phone, pc and tablet from time to time. I most recently changed the wallpaper on my Fire tablet from a shot of my Christmas tree to a photo of Carolina McCallister. Pretty soon I'll be switching them to more spring time images.

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Re: Do you change the "theme" on your phone or computer?

I do not change mine because it is a picture of my Life Treasure Map and the point is to think about the items each time you see the picture.Treasure Map.jpg

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Re: Do you change the "theme" on your phone or computer?

yes, i change them every month or so.....the wallpaper and the ringtones.


my laptop wallpaper has pine trees that are covered with snow and a few holiday lights peeking out.


my phone still has deck the halls for its  ringtone (lol, i probably should switch that out right?). the wallpaper is live wallpaper with bare trees, covered with snow, near a stream, with live snowflakes falling. the lock screen is a photo i took of fluffy clouds in a blue sky.

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Re: Do you change the "theme" on your phone or computer?

I like live wallpapers on my phone, generally rain falling or clouds moving in the sky. Currently my home screen is a cute little cartoon of a hippo sleeping on a cloud, and he gently bounces around as the clouds move. The wallpaper also shows the phases of the moon in real time. But I do use different wallpaper for the different seasons. I like snowflakes falling at Christmas & winter. 

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Re: Do you change the "theme" on your phone or computer?

mac computers don't have themes the way windows machines do. So no I don't change themes. I do change my wallpaper when I feel like it. 

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Re: Do you change the "theme" on your phone or computer?


Yes, I do. I change the theme on my computer seasonally and/or by the holiday. Right now, the theme is winter. But I think I'm going to change that sooner rather than later to scenes of spring (wishful thinking).