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After Installing Norton Strange Sound From Computer?

Installed Norton several days ago and sometimes after I start up my computer there is a sound like the lowest note on a guitar going bum bum bum (really fast)any one have any thoughts? I am not to0 savvy on the computer so ....

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Re: After Installing Norton Strange Sound From Computer?

Does it have indigestion?

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Re: After Installing Norton Strange Sound From Computer?

On 1/30/2015 ValuSkr said:

Does it have indigestion? Smile


To OP, I have Norton and have never heard any type of sound after installing. Something else is up, but you can always "un-install and re-install" to see what happens.

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Re: After Installing Norton Strange Sound From Computer?

If you have not forgotten the DVD. It could be Norton software being loaded.

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Re: After Installing Norton Strange Sound From Computer?

Is that one of the sounds you get when you receive email? I don't ever hear the sounds from my computer because I have it turned down unless I'm watching a video. DH also has the sounds for email turned off.

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Re: After Installing Norton Strange Sound From Computer?

I would contact Norton. It could be their security software running in the background.
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Re: After Installing Norton Strange Sound From Computer?

On 1/30/2015 nafecar said:
On 1/30/2015 nutmeg3 said:If you have not forgotten the DVD. It could be Norton software being loaded.

nutmeg3 thanks for the info every thing seems to be OK I was just concerned .

twocent thanks to you as well.

Very welcome. I installed mine online and just assumed you had . {#emotions_dlg.blush} Since that is how I always do mine , I didn't consider a dvd - but if I had , I would never have thought you would have forgotten to remove it !Wink Would give you more credit than that.Smile

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Re: After Installing Norton Strange Sound From Computer?

Two possibilities for you:

1. If the sound is coming from your speakers, it's probably a software problem.

2. If it's not, it's more likely a mechanical problem due to your hard drive or CD/DVD drive - something mechanical that's rotating.

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Re: After Installing Norton Strange Sound From Computer?

On 1/30/2015 sfnative said:

Two possibilities for you:

1. If the sound is coming from your speakers, it's probably a software problem.

2. If it's not, it's more likely a mechanical problem due to your hard drive or CD/DVD drive - something mechanical that's rotating.

One more possibility would be the CPU fan running at a high rate to cool the CPU if the new software is putting a lot of demand on it. Many CPU coolers use a variable rate fan that will spin as fast as necessary to keep the CPU cool without consuming excess power. When fans run faster they make more noise.

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Re: After Installing Norton Strange Sound From Computer?

On 1/30/2015 gardenman said:
On 1/30/2015 sfnative said:

Two possibilities for you:

1. If the sound is coming from your speakers, it's probably a software problem.

2. If it's not, it's more likely a mechanical problem due to your hard drive or CD/DVD drive - something mechanical that's rotating.

One more possibility would be the CPU fan running at a high rate to cool the CPU if the new software is putting a lot of demand on it. Many CPU coolers use a variable rate fan that will spin as fast as necessary to keep the CPU cool without consuming excess power. When fans run faster they make more noise.

This is what I was thinking. The noise is the fans spinning because of high CPU usage. If OP just installed it the other day, its probably working overtime updating the directory with all of the up-to-date virus names. Once its done doing that, it them needs to scan everything for the first time. Its making the computer work too hard.

Make sure you have all programs closed but the ones that you are actually using at the moment. In fact, try closing everything and leaving the computer alone for a few hours.

Do you have a desktop, or a laptop? Make sure your vents have plenty of air. You should always do this, but especially right now while the computer is working so hard. I am sure if when you hear this noise, if you put your hand near the vents you will feel hot air coming from them.

Keep us posted.