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Re: Did You Hear Gary Say.....

I am with you Sister!  large women need clothes too and  weight, whether too much or too little, can be complicated.  Why the fat shaming, it does not help!

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Re: Did You Hear Gary Say.....

@barrel racer


Designer Louis Dell'Ollio (Linea), has remarked several times, both on-air and on his Blog that both smallest and largest end of size spectrum sell out first because buyers routinely order less of them... Smiley Frustrated

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Re: Did You Hear Gary Say.....

@ellaphant wrote:

If you are beyond a 3X I would hope you would be focusing on your health...not a clothing size. Obesity in America is a national health issue,

@ellaphant  So is bullying and lack of empathy.  Amazing isn't it?

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Re: Did You Hear Gary Say.....

[ Edited ]

It just occurred to me that QVC sells holiday foods the whole month of December and then in January they start in with the whole new you with exercise equipment and nutri -system diets,  I mean really. And to get on topic maybe these women need the clothing until they decide if they are going to diet or not. 

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Re: Did You Hear Gary Say.....

You look "marvelous dahling" as Zza Zza Gabor would say !!!!

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Re: Did You Hear Gary Say.....

[ Edited ]

It is sad the way we treat overweight women compared to overweight men. It is not an easy task to loose weight. It could take many months to years depending on the amount you need to loose. We all need clothes and I am tired of people judging people on their weight. You are who you are. Judge not because you are being judged. If someone is overweight, I can empathize because I have been there and it took me a while to get my weight under control. I still struggle every day because temptations are all around us. If you watch TV, every time a commercial comes on it is about food. It is constantly thrown in your face.

Can we just be kind to one another and help them instead of putting them down. Life is hard and no one gets out alive. Just live your best life and take care. One has to make their own decisions and not be embarrassed to be yourself.


We all need attractive clothing no matter what size.  QVC needs to show more plus size models (whether they are average, tall or petite). Not everyone looks good in all styles as we have  been lead to believe. 

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Re: Did You Hear Gary Say.....

If she needs larger than a 3x, she should see a doctor. Not be shopping for bigger sizes.

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Re: Did You Hear Gary Say.....

@Kachina624 wrote:


@fourpaws56 wrote:

Why on earth would anyone need  something larger than a 3X?? Talk about promoting obesity....

@fourpaws56.   DING, DING, DING........Here we have the winner of today's tact and diplomacy award.

Nobody said anything about promoting but perhaps the ladies who are that size would like some pretty clothes like you do.

Sorry, but people need a wake up call...Obesity is deadly! Get real!

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Re: Did You Hear Gary Say.....

Well, whatdoyaknow...dahblink.gif

A Denim & Co top (A347349) is now available in sizes XXS - through 5X! 

I don't know how many other D&Co garments are in those new sizes of 4X & 5X for those interested. I guess QVC is testing the waters to see how well they sell before expanding too much.

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Re: Did You Hear Gary Say.....

@Susan Louise wrote:

Well, whatdoyaknow...dahblink.gif

A Denim & Co top (A347349) is now available in sizes XXS - through 5X! 

I don't know how many other D&Co garments are in those new sizes of 4X & 5X for those interested. I guess QVC is testing the waters to see how well they sell before expanding too much.

I just checked the top out. It comes in some lovely shades and is $28.68.