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@They Call Me MR Wilkes wrote:

Those veteran,  long standing posters intent on causing arguments lead to the majority of thread closures, not one newcomer simply venting.


A newcomer vents harmlessly, they get jumped on in a hostile, argumentative manner.



@They Call Me MR Wilkes   Absolutely true! This is one of the best responses I have ever heard on this board. 

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I liked it better when there were no moderators. 

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It would be great if the Moderators would just delete the offending Post but sometimes there are so many that the Thread gets poofed.

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@santorini,  thinking back to how hostile and often ugly the boards got back in "the good old days" of little to no moderation have you given any thought what it would be like today with no moderation at all?


Moderation in moderation yes, no moderation at all no thanks.

The eyes through which you see others may be the same as how they see you.
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@Puppy Lips wrote:

@juanitalinda wrote:



It is also too bad that so many people think 'free speech' gives them the right to be rude or inconsiderate.  


While some people find the forums more boring, I actually enjoy rant-free reading.  


@juanitalinda Well I would argue that everyone has the "right" to be rude and inconsiderate.  Whether or not you should be is a different question.  People are free to say what they want, and then suffer the consequences, such as no one wanting to associate with them because they are "rude and inconsiderate," or, in this case, their comments getting poofed.

Who decides what is "rude and inconsiderate"? Here, far too often it's merely "I don't like what you said and I don't agree with you, therefore, you are rude and inconsiderate". 

~Not a new poster, never been banned. Every time I take a break, I have to re-register for some reason~
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A billionaire once said that free speech ended at the end of your fist-never understood that.

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@Auntie CC wrote:

It's too bad they are moderating free speech.


It has nothing to do with free speech. Freedom of speech in the Constitution means only that the government can't come after you for what you say (with some exceptions, like yelling fire in a theatre). It does not apply to privately owned sites. 


It boggles my mind how little some people understand freedom of speech rights.

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@RetRN wrote:

Sadly, it is a small number of posters who cause the problem. Some love nothing better than to report other posters and stir the pot. 


Some people think their opinion is the only opinion and to voice something different is being mean. They need to grow up. 

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@They Call Me MR Wilkes wrote:

At least we still get the free, unsolicited lectures on Constitutional law from time to time.


Why shouldn't we post the truth when someone obviously doesn't understand? Voluntary ignorance should never have a place in our society.


IMO, it is solicited when someone posts inaccurate information.

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@Group 5 minus 1 wrote:

A billionaire once said that free speech ended at the end of your fist-never understood that.

I remember being told your rights end where mine begin.


I do my best to remember that.

The eyes through which you see others may be the same as how they see you.