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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Hosts names missing on Program Guide

I've already contacted the social team and they said they would pass on the issue.  The names continue to be missing.  Will they be coming back?HSN always posts the host name and the vendor name.  Can't QVC at least return to showing the hosts names?  

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Posts: 3,154
Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: Hosts names missing on Program Guide



They just hired a new "Chief People Officer" ( gimmicky name for HR new broom to sweep clean....) Linda Aiello you can Google her.,,


There will be MORE name and assignment changes forthcoming.


Beatings will continue at QVC until moral improves....!

Super Contributor
Posts: 328
Registered: ‎05-01-2011

Re: Hosts names missing on Program Guide

We not be seeing names as the schdules varies during the Holiday season. So that is why there is no names. Girls not out had Leah and Jayne on. Jayne also did the shoe shoppiing shows. They will be doing special shows during this time. This is something they have been doing for awhile.