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Registered: ‎01-11-2022

Last weekI received a "THANKU20" discount after a Lug purchase.

I tried to use it twice but got "conditions not met" error.


How can I find these condiyions  besides calling CS?

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Re: Conditions for a discount

If you don't want to call CS, how about sending an email to the Social Team?

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Re: Conditions for a discount

[ Edited ]

@Katabalu  Good Morning!  How did you receive this code?  In an email?  Or was it an actual coupon?  It should state on the coupon or in the email the conditions that need to be met.  Did you get it directly from Lug or from a Lug purchase you bought on QVC?  If you got it from QVC and it was in a Lug bag chances are you need to use it on Lug's website not through QVC.  Lug included the coupon NOT QVC so it would not be accepted on QVC's website.  It also could be there is a minimum purchase price before the discount can be applied or to specific items on Lug's website.  QVC does not send out specific supplier discounts, so I'm leaning more towards this being a coupon to be used on Lug's website.  Also if it is a Lug coupon I would check the expiration date.  They sent me one once that was expired.  I called them and they applied it to my order.  Hope this helps!!! 

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Re: Conditions for a discount

@Katabalu.  Is it possible the code was sent by and for use for a purchase with the LUG Company, and not QVC?

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Posts: 11
Registered: ‎01-11-2022

Re: Conditions for a discount

Yes, that's it, it must be from Lug, it appeared on screen just after I paid, not in an email, and I did not have tine to read the conditions.
Kind of just flashed. Thank you for the great explanation eadu4 and Kachina624.