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Registered: ‎01-26-2013

12 days my order has been in process.  I wonder what the record is for this nonsense....

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Registered: ‎12-14-2018

I’m at day 16.

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That's just plain crazy. This is why I buy mostly from Amazon Prime now.

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

I have not ordered from QVC since May.  Shipping issues is certainly the main obstacle, but there are plenty of other issues too.  Other retailers are MUCH MORE CUSTOMER FRIENDLY.

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Posts: 131
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Oh no, I thought mine was not looking good at 4 days! I pray my order does not sit for 12 or 16 days, not to mention I can't even cancel it! Smiley Surprised The worse thing is they cannot even tell you what the hold up is, or when it will even ship out! So very frustrating @QVC 

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[ Edited ]

Six days here  and that is nothing but pure nonsense.  QVC from the past use to be so dependable and was the best place to shop.  All that has passed and if they keep this up they too shall pass. 


They must have a shipping department of 2 people as slow as they are or else they just not give a hoot.

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Posts: 2,224
Registered: ‎01-26-2013

@Spacrazy wrote:

I’m at day 16.

I hope you let us know if and when yours ships.

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Posts: 2,224
Registered: ‎01-26-2013

Day 13 and counting!

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I am a day 13!  This has to be the worst managed retailer I have ever seen.  I love the Q, have been shopping since day 1, but I am really losing my patience.  They need to get rid of the people who are managing this company and get people who know how to run a corporation of this size. Most companies show improvements, this justs keeps getting worse and it is always the same excuse about the warehouses.  Fix it already, it has been months and months!

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Posts: 2,224
Registered: ‎01-26-2013

@Tyak wrote:

Day 13 and counting!

I can count no order has shipped!!!!!