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Re: when you talk with or to someone,

Someone once mentioned that I was "bouncy" when I talked.  That didnt work well in interviews, so I trained myself to keep my hands neutral in professional settings.  


I do notice though I chat with my hands and "palm up" only when speaking to men. It's an inconscious gesture indicating cooperation, sincerity and at times,  a wish to be courted!   its just a natural gesture for me.



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Re: when you talk with or to someone,



I do the same, touching that is!  When someone touches me during a conversation I don't mind at all, of course I have to know them!  There have been a few times when the person I touched flinched.  Obviously, I didn't touch them again.  It just wasn't their thing and I respect that. 

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Re: when you talk with or to someone,

I gesticulate a lot when speaking.  But a work-friend once told me that she worries in difficult meetings only when I go quiet and stiill. (Not that I spring like a cobra or anything. I do think things over before I raise an objection,)

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Re: when you talk with or to someone,

I can't imagine NOT being expressive with my hands when I'm talking about something I'm excited about.  I don't just sit there with my hands folded in my lap, politely.


I think it would be weird to be in a room of people talking with no one gesturing with their hands.  It's normal and expected where I come from.


I enjoy people who are animated when they speak.

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Re: when you talk with or to someone,

No, because my hands are very deformed from scleroderma and I'd rather not let people see them. 

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Re: when you talk with or to someone,

I do think I use my hands more when I speak with someone, if it just a passing note, then I may just do a quick hello=good bye thing, but if it is a long conversation I do use my hands.

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Re: when you talk with or to someone,

@Pook wrote:

@this is my nic  Like you, my maternal grandparents were from Italy also so of course I do!!!!  I'm a loud talker too.  

@Pook  The loud talker remark brought back memories of when I walked past a neighbor's house many years ago.  They were a deaf couple, and only used sign language.  That day, they were in the garage having an arguement.  I have no idea what the agrument was over, but their hands were talking loud!

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Re: when you talk with or to someone,

Putting your hand on someone while speaking with them is holding their attention and it shows dominance. Parents often do it to their children. I would not like anyone doing it to me.

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Re: when you talk with or to someone,

Absolutely!  I consider it essential, in fact.

Cogito ergo sum
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Re: when you talk with or to someone,

No, I don't use gestures very much and I simply cannot watch Rachael Ray. Her hand waving is totally distracting and drives me nuts.