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I buy my stamps thru the mail. Free postage.

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I like to get mine thru the ATM..but once I was at Albertsons and asked for $60 cash back..and got to my next stop, and didn't have it...I went back and they were VERY skeptical, but gave me my $60..I still feel like they think I was trying to rip them off whenever I go into that store!!
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On Saturday we were watering flowers in our back yard with a Pocket Hose and, poof, the hose broke in two. So, on Sunday we took the hose and receipt back to WalMart. Our receipt was two days past the 90 day guarantee, but CS did allow us to get a new pocket hose at no charge. I hope this one lasts longer than 3 months! Anyway, we left as satisfied customers.

"Faith, Hope, Love; the greatest of these is Love." ~The Silver Fox~
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I didn't even know you could buy stamps thru the line at Wally World.

Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, but Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.
- Author Unknown
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You have to be wide awake when you check out at Walmart. A couple of times I've gotten out of the store having left something in a bag on their carousel.
New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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I can't tell you how many times I've hit the "cash back" button on the ATM machine at the market, and then had to remind the cashier that she/he hadn't given me the cash. Not surprised that it also happens when you buy stamps.
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They did an audit of her register. And, she probably got fired.

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I'm not sure why people automatically assumed the cashier did it on purpose or got fired.

Mistakes DO happen. That's why you check at the end of the shift when you balance.

When I was in college, I was a teller at a bank...the lead or vault teller, actually.

I handled thousands in cash every day. Every afternoon the op mgr and I balanced the vault.

Tellers could be out of balance, but NEVER the vault. Our vault was $2000 short, and I had no.idea what happened.

Two weeks went by. I thought for sure I would be fired. Then when we were balancing the vault one day, my op mgr happened to shift a stack of cash, and guess what? A pack of 20s (2000) had fallen behind the other stacks and was not noticeable.

Things happen. You don't just fire people.

If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.--Marcus Tullius Cicero
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at my walmart they have to call for them...the stamps are not in their register is so easy to forget to give them out....they ring your order...your chatting with her/him..the bagging...and you even think she was trying to steal your stamps is absurd...and unkind....I worked in a market and try as I may I would sometimes forget to give out the stamps...and we had ours in our register drawer....

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Registered: ‎03-11-2010
On 7/3/2014 pupcakes said:

They did an audit of her register. And, she probably got fired.

you're kidding ---right??