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Re: When and why did you stop wearing high heels?

I could never wear really high heels because I could never walk "steady" in them. At most I wore maybe 1 and 1/2 inch heels.

NOW with my bad back, I wear zero heels (unless I am going to a special event). The shoes that feel best for my back are sneakers. lol. Of course I cant wear sneakers to special events, so I wear dressy flats or very slight heels if I have a special event, but only as high as 1 inch. And even with a small heel I can still feel it in my back and cant wait to get them off!

My daughter (who is 5'9") always wears spike heels to special events. (Thankfully her husband is over 6 feet tall).

Anyway I always admired how she walks well in them and tell her that Id have fallen and broken my neck (even Pre bad back days).

Lastly, and it really bugged me when everyone was wearing shooties, because I LOVE boots but I couldn't even wear shooties :-( I have to wear flat boots.

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make~ The Beatles
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Re: When and why did you stop wearing high heels?

I wore 3"" heels every day when I worked. Now I am retired I've decreased height to 2"" on occasion. I don't think I could even walk in 3 or 4"" heels. LOL. But they're pretty....

"Faith, Hope, Love; the greatest of these is Love." ~The Silver Fox~
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Re: When and why did you stop wearing high heels?

I never really wore them.

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Re: When and why did you stop wearing high heels?

Had to give them up after my foot broke many years ago. Sigh.

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Re: When and why did you stop wearing high heels?

Once I started working in Education, about 15 years ago. You can't walk up and down corridors and stairs in middle schools and high schools all day long, or across hilly college campuses in the rain with high heels. Well, maybe it's possible, but not for me. I still wear them occasionally for a special event, but honestly where I live fleece and rain gear rule. My favorite "dress up shoes" are my riding boots in winter, or Jambu sandals in summer! Smiley Happy
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Re: When and why did you stop wearing high heels?

I still wear them at 58, I am tall 5'11" so I think with certain outfits it balances me out. I do not wear them often to work, our office is no denim, leggings or shorts but buisness casual.

So far no foot or joint issues, I do realize that can change in a minute tho.

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Re: When and why did you stop wearing high heels?

From Love, Loss and What I Wore by Nora and Delia Ephron - pretty much sums up my sentiments

I look gorgeous in high heels. Everyone looks gorgeous in high heels. But my feet hurt. My little toe was always crushed. I had a bunion. I was in so much pain, I couldn’t think. I had to choose- heels or think. I chose think. So I bought some chic flat shoes. I made a lot of mistakes. I bought these turquoise blue Marc Jacobs flats that the salesman talked me into because he said they had “toe cleavage”. I’d never heard of toe cleavage. Anyway, I realized that chic flat shoes are almost as uncomfortable as heels, and don’t do that amazing thing for your legs. Fortunately, at just about that time, I met an unbelievably stylish woman who was wearing Birkenstocks. When I was in High School, I was a Doc Martens girl, and Birkenstocks symbolized everything I didn’t want to be. They were incredibly uncool and the girls who wore them had big dirty toes that stuck out the ends. You absolutely could not be friends with a person who wore Birkenstocks. But this stylish woman wore her Birks with baggy cords and a Comme de Garcons sleeveless shirt. It was a revelation. The next day I went out and got a pedicure and a pair- dark brown, standard style. I realized that Birkenstocks were actually the coolest, punk-est shoes a girl could wear. They were a statement: “Look, these are my feet, we all have them. Okay?” My husband had a slightly different opinion. He hated my Birkenstocks. He said they made me look like a troll from Middle Earth. And once, when the Yankees were in the playoffs, he made me take them off before coming into the same room as the TV so I wouldn’t hex the team. After we split up, you’d think I’d have stuck with my Birkenstocks, but no. I started wearing heels again. Oh the pain, I can’t think. But I look gorgeous. I had to choose- heels or think. I chose heels.

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Re: When and why did you stop wearing high heels?

On 4/9/2015 fbm8282lsm said:

I still wear them at 58, I am tall 5'11" so I think with certain outfits it balances me out. I do not wear them often to work, our office is no denim, leggings or shorts but buisness casual.

So far no foot or joint issues, I do realize that can change in a minute tho.

Added to say that I stay within the 3 inch or lower range. My DH was tall and after being widowed I am dating and the man I am dating is 6'6" so my height has never been an issue for me. I do love heels and when the time comes will hate to give them up

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Re: When and why did you stop wearing high heels?

They say the legs are the last to go...PLEASE if you can wear them, enjoy your heels ladies!! When I could wear them, my legs always looked great. No back problems 10 years ago...

Watched The Devil Wears Prada again last night. Love the fashions and heels and cute dresses. Call me Gimpy... can't run like that anymore in any shoes or even walk without limping :-(

Boxing up all my heeled boots and shoes for donation next week.

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Re: When and why did you stop wearing high heels?

I continue to wear them for dress up occasions (which are now few and far between). I used to wear about a 3 inch heel and now I prefer a little lower. I am tall to begin with so I still get a bit self conscious if I am towering over everyone... Thankfully, my husband is very tall, so I can get away with any heel height.Smile