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Re: the real housewives of orange county.....8/24/15....with "news", spoilers, gossip

While I don't condone cheating, I can understand why David might have. Shannon could drive anyone to cheat! I don't understand why she is staying with him because she's making everyone as miserable as she is. She will never let him forget his indiscretion.

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Re: the real housewives of orange county.....8/24/15....with "news", spoilers, gossip

I  think Shannon is mentally unsable and has no clue abour life.

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Re: the real housewives of orange county.....8/24/15....with "news", spoilers, gossip

@italia8140 wrote:

@sunshine45 wrote:

i still dont get why shannon keeps insisting that meghan said that brooks didnt have was the psychic that brought the entire subject up. not even sure why shannon needed to repeat the gossip to vicki.


Shannon is a pot-stirrer. I think she's a miserable person and likes to bring other people down. She adds nothing to the show except drama.



She's the one who stirred the pot and attempted to tell Vicki at Brook's birthday dinner.  She is the reason Vicki found out.  Meghan was the wrath of all of her venom and blame due to Shannon and her big mouth.  Then Shannon tried to back peddle and blamed it all on Meghan.  Meghan was an idiot to bring it up at the dinner, but she certainly wasn't as much to blame as Shannon was.  Shannon seriously has some major mental issues.  She appears a bit manic and has a personality disorder. 

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Re: the real housewives of orange county.....8/24/15....with "news", spoilers, gossip

[ Edited ]

@AngusandBuddhasMom wrote:
I agree she refuses to let it go but wants to stay married and make everyone pay for it. If course her kids know is the matter. She hasn't shut up about it.


She is a miserable person, and her husband appears 100% checked out.  I'm sure he's just wanting to make things work for the children.  He should do his children a favor and divorce.  It's a life filled of misery and tension.  HE's just odd-but  Shannon is too.  He seems to have stunted development at times.  He's so checked out.  He has a "blank" affect, and it's like he's in a trance.  His mannerisms are trance like too.

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Re: the real housewives of orange county.....8/24/15....with "news", spoilers, gossip

@elated wrote:

I  think Shannon is mentally unsable and has no clue abour life.

Another, ITA   She is unstable.  Her erratic behavior and mannerisms are difficult to watch.  She's always ready to implode.  She stirs the pot as she's so miserable.

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Re: the real housewives of orange county.....8/24/15....with "news", spoilers, gossip

Shannon's behavior at supper was so  terrible griping about every little thing instead of just enjoying her family.

OK What about the Dubrow structure..14 bathrooms ???? 


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Re: the real housewives of orange county.....8/24/15....with "news", spoilers, gossip

[ Edited ]

@spud188 wrote:

Shannon's behavior at supper was so  terrible griping about every little thing instead of just enjoying her family.

OK What about the Dubrow structure..14 bathrooms ???? 


She is going to give her daughters an eating disorder constantly talking about "fat"/dieting etc.  The Du Brow's house witll be fantastic, but it's a gross display of ostentation.


He has to be making a LOT of money to build a house like that.  I think he has family money as well as money from his practice and Botched.

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Re: the real housewives of orange county.....8/24/15....with "news", spoilers, gossip

I agree Shannon is one hot mess and so controlling with her husband, let it go. Her husband is miserable and should leave her. Keep your mouth shut and mind your own business. He doesn't have a clue.


Meghan is awful and if they stay married I would be shocked. She adds nothing to the show and needs to keep her mouth shut too. Her husband is not kind to her at all. 


Eddie will be furious when he finds out about the Ryan money so HE can live in Orange County. Give me a break.


Heather sure likes to brag about her new mansion. Sheesh. She sure is bossy. 14 bathrooms and her closet is as big as my whole house.  


Vicki is finally happy with dear old Brooks who is probably using her for a place to live. Does he have cancer or not....


The reunion should be one big fight.




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Re: the real housewives of orange county.....8/24/15....with "news", spoilers, gossip

[ Edited ]

Shannon is David run!  I think she's the one who has involved the kids from the beginning.......all her boo-hooing and horrible pitiful me facial epressions in front of them.  She out and out lied when confronted at Heather's luncheon about telling Vicki......of course, she couldn't wait to tell Vicki knowing full-well what the outcome of that would be.  We all know Brooks is a player and Vicki has bought and paid for this jerk, but at this point, those women shouldn't care and it shouldn't even be an issue.  Vicki is quick to tear into Meghan all the time because she's jealous of her youth and beauty.  Again, she spouted off about Meghan not having a "real job" (maybe that was in the previews next all runs together for me at times).  Vicki and Brooks started their relationship as an affair, so she doesn't have any room to criticize Meghan's marriage.


As far as Heather's house goes, they're definitely living large, but I just say good for them.....they don't seem to be asking anyone else to pay for it and if that makes them happy, so be it.


I can't believe that Tamra has again bailed out her son and especially not telling Eddie she wrote a check for that much money...........maybe their finances are separate. 

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Re: the real housewives of orange county.....8/24/15....with "news", spoilers, gossip

Ok-Lots of drama last night!!!!!!! First off Shannon, be Thankful that your husband and kids took you out to dinner, and stop complaining about the type of restaurant and your food,etc......You have a great family-you need to learn to appreciate more. I also think she seems awkward with her girls-she needs to loosen up a bit, I like Shannon,always have but she needs to work on a few things for sure......I think that Vicky had every right to be mad at Meghan,after all that is what she was told that Meghan believed the psychic,now did Vicki go overboard by calling Meghn a little girl and berating her? Yes she did, but sometimes that happens when you are so angry, Vicky should have pulled Meghan aside when she first got there and had it out with her, and stop the yelling and listen.......These women start yelling and then nothing ever gets settled.........I think Meghan should probably mind her own business and leave Vicky alone, because it is going to take a lot for Vicky to ever like her again........I absolutely can not stand Meghan's husband either-no personality what so ever, in fact to me he seemd arrogant, and like he is Mr. Big Shot( I had never heard of him before now), but I am not a big Baseball fan either.......I don't know this whole thing with Brooks is just a bit much-Move Along Now Ladies!!!!!!!!!!