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Re: the real housewives of new york....6/9/14....with "news", spoilers, gossip

via twitter:

The phone call was NOT fake! Read my blog tonight .com Wasn't an emergency, but great reason to say goodnight!

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: the real housewives of new york....6/9/14....with "news", spoilers, gossip

On 6/9/2014 Melania2 said:
On 6/9/2014 sunshine45 said:

OOPS......i just realized i put new york instead of ORANGE COUNTY!!!! LOL, carry on.....

No worries, sunshine.

I'm just so glad it isn't about George and his hoohaw.

LOL that will be tomorrow night. Wink

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: the real housewives of new york....6/9/14....with "news", spoilers, gossip

On 6/9/2014 SydneyH said:

Why is Tamra getting all wonky at the party?

Because she's "working on standing out to get their (her) chance"

Those are her exact words from her FB page about how almost all the housewives "work" at bringing the drama so they get more "chances" (for better pay, spinoffs, etc.)

I still watch but it seems more & more fake and calculated. It's so different now compared to the 1st seasons of the initial shows (OC, NYC).

"The truth is like a lion. You don't have to defend it. Let it loose. It will defend itself."
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Be Vigilent
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Re: the real housewives of new york....6/9/14....with "news", spoilers, gossip

i dont know how much money tamra is making, but andy has said that there are NO cut fitness spin-offs in the future.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: the real housewives of new york....6/9/14....with "news", spoilers, gossip

On 6/9/2014 Lion said:
On 6/9/2014 SydneyH said:

Why is Tamra getting all wonky at the party?

Because she's "working on standing out to get their (her) chance"

Those are her exact words from her FB page about how almost all the housewives "work" at bringing the drama so they get more "chances" (for better pay, spinoffs, etc.)

I still watch but it seems more & more fake and calculated. It's so different now compared to the 1st seasons of the initial shows (OC, NYC).

ITA. Did you ever see the first reunion show for OC? It was held in Vicki's backyard and the hw's all sat around a tv commenting on clips of the season and NO Andy. They actually acted like normal women and not one fight.

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Re: the real housewives of new york....6/9/14....with "news", spoilers, gossip

Heather is really getting on my nerves. She plays the victim all the time. But she is a very difficult woman to get along with. She always tries to find an excuse for what happens and never owns up to her behavior. If it's not her way, it's the highway. How lame of her to leave tonight with her wimpy, manupulative husband. What a pair! Would really like them to go away.

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Re: the real housewives of new york....6/9/14....with "news", spoilers, gossip

There were a few contradictions on this episode that I just don't get...first Tamra was talking at the DR's saying how she has no intention of stopping botox injections and now adding hormone injections to her body... but she said her son should stop his supplement use (which of course he should) and love himself the way he is. She doesn't love herself the way she is so she is not a very positive influence IMO.

Heather (who is maybe the most condescending woman I have ever seen) said she doesn't belong to Tamra's Fitness Club...she is a member of the club they previously featured on Good Day LA. I can understand why the club that Heather was a member of was featured in the segment. Tamra should be thrilled to get the press for her Club. I am sure the producers of the show and not Heather had the final say on what Club was featured in the segments.

The Ladies of London is different and keeping my interest so far. I can't relate to them at all but I can't relate to any women on these shows anyway

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Re: the real housewives of new york....6/9/14....with "news", spoilers, gossip

On 6/10/2014 DREAMON said:

There were a few contradictions on this episode that I just don't get...first Tamra was talking at the DR's saying how she has no intention of stopping botox injections and now adding hormone injections to her body... but she said her son should stop his supplement use (which of course he should) and love himself the way he is. She doesn't love herself the way she is so she is not a very positive influence IMO.

Heather (who is maybe the most condescending woman I have ever seen) said she doesn't belong to Tamra's Fitness Club...she is a member of the club they previously featured on Good Day LA. I can understand why the club that Heather was a member of was featured in the segment. Tamra should be thrilled to get the press for her Club. I am sure the producers of the show and not Heather had the final say on what Club was featured in the segments.

The Ladies of London is different and keeping my interest so far. I can't relate to them at all but I can't relate to any women on these shows anyway{}

ITA regarding Tamra telling her son Ryan to stop putting those chemicals into his body, and that he is fine just how he is, but then she has no intention to stop injecting herself and taking hormones...kind of the "do as I say, not as I do" mentality. I hope Ryan does stop, I think the doctor telling him he could have a heart attack and now needs to see all these specialists and he is only 28 put some fear into him.

Admittedly, Heather has been less likable to me this season and has even got on my nerves, but I don't think she was wrong last night. Tamra blew the whole thing out of proportion, and she has no solid proof that Heather "set it all up", all she has is heresay. Heather was not a co-host at that point, just a guest host, and they probably did ask her to make arrangements with the gym since it is where she attended and would have contacts there. It certainly wasn't her responsibility for the show's programming and Tamra was out of line to have such a fit. I thought it was really nice of Heather to offer a segment to Eddie and Tamra, and you could tell Eddie was thrilled. I think even he was appalled by Tamra's rudeness and that she would turn down free exposure for their isn't just her gym, it's Eddie's too. Talk about looking a gift horse in the mouth. If I had been Heather I would have just said, fine forget it then, was trying to do something nice to help you out. I find Tamra shrewish and laughable, not too long back she was carrying on about how she lets things go and doesn't hold on to grudges... lol...yeah right Tamra.

*edited for typos*

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Re: the real housewives of new york....6/9/14....with "news", spoilers, gossip

I find Tamara boring. Did anyone else notice how when she was telling Eddie about Ryan and his health issues, he looked so blah about it??

And I still do not like Lizzie -- but I do still like Shannon

Hey you, get off of my cloud...
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Re: the real housewives of new york....6/9/14....with "news", spoilers, gossip

I haven't watched it yet but during last week's episode, Tamara found out that Ryan is buying his HGH from random people in parking lots so who knows what he's really injecting into his system. Ryan went through a health scare already over steroids or something he was using or ingesting a few seasons ago. Obviously that didn't scare him enough not to buy junk from parking lots.

I've not liked Tamara for several seasons. She is the ultimate high school mean girl.