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the old question...nature vs. nurture

Are we the way we are because of who we came from or because of how we were raised?


I like to think whatever our start...poverty, bad parents, etc.... we are capable of being different...better...if we choose. 


How about you?

Keepin' it real.
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Re: the old question...nature vs. nurture

I believe that it is some of both, I do believe that we can always do better, however, I am like my parents in so many ways, good and bad. 

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Re: the old question...nature vs. nurture

Combo for sure .

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Re: the old question...nature vs. nurture

That's a hard one.  I'm dealing with someone right now that has the sweetest,  kindest parents in the world and wonder how they managed to grow such a snot.

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Re: the old question...nature vs. nurture

[ Edited ]




you hit the nail on the head:  Choices define us.  They show our values and beliefs.

We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.
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Re: the old question...nature vs. nurture

@CelticCrafter wrote:

That's a hard one.  I'm dealing with someone right now that has the sweetest,  kindest parents in the world and wonder how they managed to grow such a snot.

@CelticCrafter  That's the opposite of my thinking we can have a bad start and get better.  The situation you wrote of is a good start and growing into a "snot." 


Sounds like nature...I guess.


Hope your situation works out to your liking. 

Keepin' it real.
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Re: the old question...nature vs. nurture

My parents considered me something like a houseplant.    I was there.....but they didn't seem to notice........          

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: the old question...nature vs. nurture

My parents laid the foundation.  Then me being immature I made a lot of bad choices.  I did not have anyone to turn to as a young adult and did not know that I needed guidance and help.  I didnt know what the problem was until I finally figured it out in my early 60's.


Hope this makes sense its a long,  tragic sad story.

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Re: the old question...nature vs. nurture

It is both, you can’t eliminate either.


Just look at how members of the same family can turn out so differently.  And sometimes it is nothing but plain bad or good luck. 

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Re: the old question...nature vs. nurture

I wish there were mentors for kids, all kids needing one.  They don't realize there is a big wide world out there beyond their small world of difficult circumstances.  Someone to help them see their possibilities with guidance could help avoid bad choices.  YMCA and other community services is nice when available but individual help is best.


To answer the question, certainly some DNA is inherited but for the most part, a life can be, and is, lived by choices.