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Re: real housewives of new york....8/4/15....with "news", spoilers, gossip

LOL even tamara tattles didnt recognize sonja......Woman Wink





WWHL With Sonja Morgan and Jessica

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: real housewives of new york....8/4/15....with "news", spoilers, gossip

Yay! Sonja pulled it off, and very nice looking clothes too and very wearable. I hate fashion shows where you see all of this weird looking stuff and you think where am I going to wear that in my every day life? I am glad Betheny told Ramona off too, she is such a little snot that thinks she is better than everyone else, and she needs  a taste of her own medicine...Wow-The season finale already!!!!!!The reunion show will be interesting. I wonder if Dorinda accepts John's proposal??? 

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Re: real housewives of new york....8/4/15....with "news", spoilers, gossip

[ Edited ]

I'm sorry, but I think that SM had an eye job..........make-up hardly lifts your eyes that much......iit's either eyes or forehead lift........something got lifted!

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Re: real housewives of new york....8/4/15....with "news", spoilers, gossip

I agree that Sonja had something done. That woman on WWHL with Sonja was obnoxious and annoying. 


Glad Sonja's show went well from what we saw of it.


Also glad that Bethenny laid into Ramona and did not let her get away with her usual dismissal of responsability.


Has anyone heard anymore about Heather leaving? I like her and hope she stays.

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Re: real housewives of new york....8/4/15....with "news", spoilers, gossip

I think Dorinda needs to watch the prior seasons before she casts judgment on Heather and Bethenny. Both have had to deal with Sonja and her products, drinking etc.


 And that goes for dealing with Ramona and Luann as well. Dorinda is liked by them and so they are nice to her. Ramona from the start has been vicous and rude to Heather and so obviously Heather has a different take on Ramona. JMO.


And Bethenny has a history with both and it has not always been pleasant.

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Re: real housewives of new york....8/4/15....with "news", spoilers, gossip

I hadn't heard anything about Heather leaving? I hope that isn't true! I like Heather-at first I wasn't so sure, but I think she is the voice of reason-both she and Luanne, and I think they both add a nice balance to the show!

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Re: real housewives of new york....8/4/15....with "news", spoilers, gossip

I just watched the "First Look" for this week, and in the interview, it's obvious Ramona had lip injections or something,because she's talking like she had novocaine shots in both sides of her mouth. And her mouth is all askew while she's speaking. Tell me it isn't just me..........