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deb, my husband is in the radiation therapy business & went through radiation on his neck too- your throat is going to get very sore, please, please do not get discouraged. When mine had his, a couple patients literally stopped their treatments because of that- he was asked to talk to them but it didn't do any good. Please know the food he could eat without discomfort was cornbread and milk- it was very soothing to his throat and at the same time the cornbread was gentle on his throat. I spoke with one of the girls at the Minnie Pearl Cancer Center in Nashville about another matter when I mentioned this about my husband- she said she'd be sure and tell their patients of this because you might lose some of your appetite because of the soreness but my husband ate this and it truly helped. He was treated at a well known hospital in Atlanta and since he's very familiar with all the Doctor's and staff, they love having hints given to them that might help another patient with the same type of radiation and for them to not get discouraged and stop treatment. He went everyday for 6wks and didn't miss a day of work- we didn't miss one Tennessee football game or our trip to Disneyworld.. Others might go on and on about cornbread and milk but this is different- you eat what is comforting to your throat- it's a progressive soreness that just comes with radiation.. It does eventually get better!! Much good luck to you, my friend! I so know where you are coming from and I'll keep you in my prayers...

Edited by the Peach.

Rocky Top you'll always be home sweet home to me.. Good ole Rocky Top, Rocky Top Tennessee... Rocky Top Tennessee
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On 5/18/2014 Peachysue said:

deb, my husband is in the radiation therapy business & went through radiation on his neck too- your throat is going to get very sore, please, please do not get discouraged. When mine had his, a couple patients literally stopped their treatments because of that- he was asked to talk to them but it didn't do any good. Please know the food he could eat without discomfort was cornbread and milk- it was very soothing to his throat and at the same time the cornbread was gentle on his throat. I spoke with one of the girls at the Minnie Pearl Cancer Center in Nashville about another matter when I mentioned this about my husband- she said she'd be sure and tell their patients of this because you might lose some of your appetite because of the soreness but my husband ate this and it truly helped. He was treated at a well known hospital in Atlanta and since he's very familiar with all the Doctor's and staff, they love having hints given to them that might help another patient with the same type of radiation and for them to not get discouraged and stop treatment. He went everyday for 6wks and didn't miss a day of work- we didn't miss one Tennessee football game or our trip to Disneyworld.. Others might go on and on about cornbread and milk but this is different- you eat what is comforting to your throat- it's a progressive soreness that just comes with radiation.. It does eventually get better!! Much good luck to you, my friend! I so know where you are coming from and I'll keep you in my prayers...

Edited by the Peach.

peach, Thank you for all you told me!!!! I had to step away after I read your post it made me cry but in a good way. It's only been 6 weeks since they told me & have gone threw more tests than I have ever had my whole life.It was our 42 annv. when they told me. I have never been sick in my life except for a ruptured appendix 9 years ago & almost died & would never go to a DR. again. Well found the lump in my neck 1 year ago to the day they told me, So I have no one to blame but myself. I new it was not go news. & I am so mad at myself for waiting so long to go to the DR. I think I was just hoping it would go away.. Well I Hate milk & cornbread LOL but I will try it !!! Thanks again for your kind words.. Deb

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On 5/18/2014 debfla53 said:
On 5/18/2014 Peachysue said:

deb, my husband is in the radiation therapy business & went through radiation on his neck too- your throat is going to get very sore, please, please do not get discouraged. When mine had his, a couple patients literally stopped their treatments because of that- he was asked to talk to them but it didn't do any good. Please know the food he could eat without discomfort was cornbread and milk- it was very soothing to his throat and at the same time the cornbread was gentle on his throat. I spoke with one of the girls at the Minnie Pearl Cancer Center in Nashville about another matter when I mentioned this about my husband- she said she'd be sure and tell their patients of this because you might lose some of your appetite because of the soreness but my husband ate this and it truly helped. He was treated at a well known hospital in Atlanta and since he's very familiar with all the Doctor's and staff, they love having hints given to them that might help another patient with the same type of radiation and for them to not get discouraged and stop treatment. He went everyday for 6wks and didn't miss a day of work- we didn't miss one Tennessee football game or our trip to Disneyworld.. Others might go on and on about cornbread and milk but this is different- you eat what is comforting to your throat- it's a progressive soreness that just comes with radiation.. It does eventually get better!! Much good luck to you, my friend! I so know where you are coming from and I'll keep you in my prayers...

Edited by the Peach.

peach, Thank you for all you told me!!!! I had to step away after I read your post it made me cry but in a good way. It's only been 6 weeks since they told me & have gone threw more tests than I have ever had my whole life.It was our 42 annv. when they told me. I have never been sick in my life except for a ruptured appendix 9 years ago & almost died & would never go to a DR. again. Well found the lump in my neck 1 year ago to the day they told me, So I have no one to blame but myself. I new it was not go news. & I am so mad at myself for waiting so long to go to the DR. I think I was just hoping it would go away.. Well I Hate milk & cornbread LOL but I will try it !!! Thanks again for your kind words.. Deb

I will be going to the cancer center in Palm Beach FL. They all are very nice & they make me feel they really care!! Deb

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deb, I am well familiar with those tears- my husband would say, "Why you still crying?" But he'd let me cry- sweetie he had a lump in his neck that a sample was taken from and was negative but when they took it out, there was a nasty little lymp node hooked on which was squamous cell.. Well we both, as you were, completely floored but once we pulled ourselves up by the shocked boot strap, he started all that testing too, just like you. Don't think for a moment we don't know what you're feeling or going through because we do!! One of his guys had thyroid cancer and had to go through all of this. Don't force yourself to like cornbread and milk, that was just a friend to friend suggestion because of my husband's situation.. You do what works for you but don't stop treatments!! Ask your radiation oncologist about your throat getting sore- mention the cornbread and milk to him too. anything that works for you or someone else is wonderful!! Just so you'll know, my husband didn't get his lump looked at for a long time- I kept nagging and nagging and nagging until he went!!

Hang in there- you've got us here for you and your family will be tons of support!!!

Rocky Top you'll always be home sweet home to me.. Good ole Rocky Top, Rocky Top Tennessee... Rocky Top Tennessee
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On 5/18/2014 debfla53 said:
On 5/18/2014 debfla53 said:

I will be going to the cancer center in Palm Beach FL. They all are very nice & they make me feel they really care!! Deb

deb, Hubby is checking something- let me get back with you..

Rocky Top you'll always be home sweet home to me.. Good ole Rocky Top, Rocky Top Tennessee... Rocky Top Tennessee
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I have had radiation in the breast, and developed thyroid nodules from it. The radiation was not painful to me at all.The worst part is the anxiety, and getting up and going everyday! BUT, I think peachysue had the very best advise, and was truthful about side effects. I had a cousin who had cancer in the jaw. Radiation to that part of the body has it's side effects. The throat gets burned a bit, and your thyroid could get effected. But it will all soothe out shortly after the treatment stops. Any damage to the thyroid is totally fixable, but you will need to modify your diet through radiation and after. Get advise from everyone, prepare your diet ahead. The treatments now a days are so stream lined and exact. They have come a long, long way just in the last 5 years. Sometimes there can be a little burning to the skin toward very end of treatment. There are ways to avoid this, and you can take precaution. What really helps is finding a chat, or help line online, or a group you can be with. The knowledge that comes from those who have been through it, is amazing. My husband had a very aggressive prostate cancer that required 2 surgeries and a long (12 weeks)course of radiation, including highbeam.The radiation was right near the bladder, and he had some issues with that, and a little pain. But here he is a year later, doing fine. He is looking back on it now! He took Bio Curcumin (tumeric) all during radiation, and he belives it helped with side effects of radiation. Recent studies the Doctor said have shown this is true.

Good Luck

I can understand your apprehention, and fear. It is normal, very normal. Cancer is scary, and the unknown (getting treatment) is even scarier. After the first treatment you will be in the know, the anxiety will reduce and you WILL get through it. I am sorry you have to go through this. Let us know how you are doing.

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I had radiation therapy in 1998, first for endometrial cancer and then for breast cancer. I recall being very tired and having some burning from the treatments. But the treatments themselves were quick and painless after the tattoo markings. I had daily M-F treatments for over six weeks each time. My radiation technicians were the best. I've been in remission for 16 years.

I wish you well in your treatments. I'm sorry you have to go through this journey with cancer and wish you well in your recovery and subsequent remission from this horrible disease. Take care and stay positive. (((((Hugs))))) Come back and let us know your progress, and if you have further questions or just need to talk we are here for you.

"Faith, Hope, Love; the greatest of these is Love." ~The Silver Fox~
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Deb, would it be possible to just give initials of center? If you aren't comfortable doing that I'm so understand. Hubby said they have several machines in Boynton beach and West Palm Beach. Regardless of where you go, you'll be in good, caring hands. And Hey you've got us!!!!!
Rocky Top you'll always be home sweet home to me.. Good ole Rocky Top, Rocky Top Tennessee... Rocky Top Tennessee
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Registered: ‎05-18-2014
On 5/18/2014 shoekitty said:

I have had radiation in the breast, and developed thyroid nodules from it. The radiation was not painful to me at all.The worst part is the anxiety, and getting up and going everyday! BUT, I think peachysue had the very best advise, and was truthful about side effects. I had a cousin who had cancer in the jaw. Radiation to that part of the body has it's side effects. The throat gets burned a bit, and your thyroid could get effected. But it will all soothe out shortly after the treatment stops. Any damage to the thyroid is totally fixable, but you will need to modify your diet through radiation and after. Get advise from everyone, prepare your diet ahead. The treatments now a days are so stream lined and exact. They have come a long, long way just in the last 5 years. Sometimes there can be a little burning to the skin toward very end of treatment. There are ways to avoid this, and you can take precaution. What really helps is finding a chat, or help line online, or a group you can be with. The knowledge that comes from those who have been through it, is amazing. My husband had a very aggressive prostate cancer that required 2 surgeries and a long (12 weeks)course of radiation, including highbeam.The radiation was right near the bladder, and he had some issues with that, and a little pain. But here he is a year later, doing fine. He is looking back on it now! He took Bio Curcumin (tumeric) all during radiation, and he belives it helped with side effects of radiation. Recent studies the Doctor said have shown this is true.

Good Luck

I can understand your apprehention, and fear. It is normal, very normal. Cancer is scary, and the unknown (getting treatment) is even scarier. After the first treatment you will be in the know, the anxiety will reduce and you WILL get through it. I am sorry you have to go through this. Let us know how you are doing.

Thanks shoekitty, I never expected so much needed support from you ladies.I am learning a lot. It sounds like both your DH HAVE REALLY BEEN THREW IT ALL. So happy they are doing good. It means so much to me. I will keep You posted on it all . Thanks for caring I feel much better now after talking to you . Deb

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Registered: ‎05-18-2014
On 5/18/2014 Peachysue said: Deb, would it be possible to just give initials of center? If you aren't comfortable doing that I'm so understand. Hubby said they have several machines in Boynton beach and West Palm Beach. Regardless of where you go, you'll be in good, caring hands. And Hey you've got us!!!!!

Sure its The cancer center of Jupiter fl. & The cancer center of the palm beaches. What does he think about them