I have had radiation in the breast, and developed thyroid nodules from it. The radiation was not painful to me at all.The worst part is the anxiety, and getting up and going everyday! BUT, I think peachysue had the very best advise, and was truthful about side effects. I had a cousin who had cancer in the jaw. Radiation to that part of the body has it's side effects. The throat gets burned a bit, and your thyroid could get effected. But it will all soothe out shortly after the treatment stops. Any damage to the thyroid is totally fixable, but you will need to modify your diet through radiation and after. Get advise from everyone, prepare your diet ahead. The treatments now a days are so stream lined and exact. They have come a long, long way just in the last 5 years. Sometimes there can be a little burning to the skin toward very end of treatment. There are ways to avoid this, and you can take precaution. What really helps is finding a chat, or help line online, or a group you can be with. The knowledge that comes from those who have been through it, is amazing. My husband had a very aggressive prostate cancer that required 2 surgeries and a long (12 weeks)course of radiation, including highbeam.The radiation was right near the bladder, and he had some issues with that, and a little pain. But here he is a year later, doing fine. He is looking back on it now! He took Bio Curcumin (tumeric) all during radiation, and he belives it helped with side effects of radiation. Recent studies the Doctor said have shown this is true.
Good Luck
I can understand your apprehention, and fear. It is normal, very normal. Cancer is scary, and the unknown (getting treatment) is even scarier. After the first treatment you will be in the know, the anxiety will reduce and you WILL get through it. I am sorry you have to go through this. Let us know how you are doing.