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"Affiliate Marketing!"

[ Edited ]

Now I get it.I just discovered this term when looking up-Do people get paid for mentioning products on other websites? or something like that.

Why all the references to products not even sold on Qvc. All day every day.

I'm just getting used to not being naiive anymore and believing everyone is what they seem.

I think there are 2 different posters-the real and the something else.

This is not "baiting" but observations and if anything is to be deleted it should be these advertising posts every day, in the guise of oh we just love beauty or fashion or whatever. But maybe QVC is hoping these posters will attract posters to their products too. Who knows? or who cares?!

Very interesting at any rate. I learn something new esp about business practice every day.



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@on the bay   I know that is done, just not aware exactly how or who.   I'm not sure from your post whether you think QVC is planting the posters here or whether the posters themselves have a deal with other companies to come here and post about items we can buy somewhere else.

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I'm sure there is probably both that you mentioned, but mostly I'm noticing those that seem to come here to promote other products from other companies.

But in the long run, who cares I guess. Just something to notice that seems so blatant. And some I'm sure think this is fine.Any way to make money. And I guess as long as there are not links, QVC doesn't care either or something. 

I just like it when people are upfront about what they are doing.


How about something like this (an imagined scenario)-

"Hi I am so and so. I created this nickname on QVC expressly to promote certain products for many other companies in the guise of just being super obsessed with these type of things (whether beauty or fashion) every single day all the time. And everytime someone clicks on website to the product I mention and esp if they buy something I get paid. This is how I make extra money."


That's all. It doesn't really matter. Just another interesting observation about human behavior I guess.

"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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@on the bay   That would be nice - but I am with you in that I don't seen it happening any time soon. Wouldn't that violate Forum guidelines against soliciting?   

As it is, I pretty much do with frequent posters about products I have no intention of buying the same thing I do with any TV personalities or channels- 99.9% of the time I pay them no serious attention.  That works, too.

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QVC has a separate website for Affiliate Sales & Marketing if that interests you:

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@on the bay Just my houghts on this and I could be mistaken . . .


If there are any posters here, new or old, doing this they can't get credit if they are attempting to drive someone to a commercial site since we are not allowed to post live links to sites like that, so I don't think the competitor would know which of their "affiliate marketers" influenced the new purchaser who went to the site and made a purchase.


Some posters have accidentally, innocently, posted a picture that has an embedded live link that they couldn't see, but thee QVC moderators spotted and took down the particular post, commenting, usually, that it was a live link to another site.


Can happen with copyright infringement, too where a recipe, or something akin, is linked without the proper source credit. 



Washington, DC

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Lol. This subject has been brought up here before.  That would be nice, wouldn't it to make easy cash?  What percentage should we receive?


Occasionally, I post photos of clothing designed by Ralph Lauren, but I can tell you he doesn't pay me. 


His classic style for those who like it can easily be  copied by buying similar pieces at lower prices, a few at QVC, others elsewhere.  My intention is purely informational and doing my part to contribute and help make the Forum more interesting...for some, anyway.  It is time consuming and I don't have to do this.  


I also posted photos of products sold on QVC and HSN.  Ask both if they pay me.  HA!


I posted other designers, as well, to show new season's designs that we will see copied at lower prices in department stores and online and QVC.


It's rather common to see clothing posted elsewhere like Pinterest, but I have no idea if posters are selling them.  


There are a few others here who post, as well.  I never suspected them of selling anything.  Seeing them posted might result in sales for the retailer, though.


It is a good way for QVC to see what their customers are interested in buying...if only someone would look at our posts. 



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I doubt many, if any, people posting on QVC forum about other products are getting paid.  Wouln't make much money since any given post doesn't get many views.


I typically only post about products I like in the Beauty forum and I never check to see if they're available on QVC.  I just post about something if I really like it or if someone asks a question about something related.


I hardly ever watch QVC anymore.  I come to this forum because I've found that a lot of the posters are in my age range and I enjoy reading/sharing with the posters.  There are a lot of people willing to share their experiences/recommendations and I appreciate that and them.

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this is exactly the reason why QVC does not allow direct links to other products or stores or coupon codes.....other than the ones that are under the QURATE brand.


"mentions" would not make a lot of money here, if at all,  but links would......




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There are a few posters that seem to spend thousands of dollars a week on whatever product category that they are interested in and talk about their purchases here, sometimes providing pictures.  I wonder if they are for real, or being paid to post, or maybe they are simply very very wealthy and they are honest about their buying habits.

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