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Last night we went to a function at our Museum of Natural History.

A skull of a baby mammoth was found out at one of the nearby islands and it is being studied here in town.

The curators were there to discuss their findings.

At one of the "stations" they offered temporary tatoos of a mammoth. 

Of course I had to join in the fun.

Questions to parents. How do I remove this critter from my arm? Tried soaps, lemon, and mayo. No luck.

mr. henny is enjoying my "anguish".


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Nail polish remover ?

"In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart" Anne Frank
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Nail polish remover?

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Baby oil on a cotton ball should do it.

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@PhilaLady1 great minds....

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Hi hennypenny...Have you tried baby oil? I just googled how to remove a temp tatoo. Hope that helps Smiley Wink (IM smiling but not laughing hehe)

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I would keep it. If someone asks about it, you can tell them about the skull, the research and perhaps they will plan a visit to the Museum. : )

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rubbing alcohol?

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Registered: ‎06-08-2016

If it's henna, it has to wear off



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Registered: ‎05-10-2010

It's temporary, just let it wear off.  You must have got it because you liked it, so enjoy it.