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scammers are getting more clever for sure.  so today, dh comes in with his phone, saying there is some type of important call for me.

i'm thinking, why are they calling dh's cell. this person, says she's from symphony bank and i have somehow missed a payment. 

as we all know, it seems that many,many cards are through symphony bank now, so that didn't alarm me too much. 

   i asked why she was calling on dh's phone, she said they were trying to track me down. (should have been a big red flag here).  

then she adds that it's over my hsn account, and i have missed a payment.  I'm thinking i havent charged anything from hsn in a age.  she actually pulls up my last purchase there, and no it wasn't all that long ago, knows that is was on value pay, and i have missed a payment. 

  so she is trying to "verify" it me. i did give her my birth date, and phone number.

  i didn't think it that odd that it sounded like she was in a call center, because it's symphony bank, but also thinking, no i have not missed a payment, and i havent' heard a peep from hsn. 

so next she wants to be helpful, and allow me to make a $61.00 payment, now so i don't get a late charge. 

now i am suspuscious, and start saying thanks for calling it to my attention, i'll contact hsn on my own. good bye.

   of course, when i go over to hsn, no only do i not owe anything, but they do have my current new address.

  so somehow, they got into my hsn account enough to see my last purchase. hummmm.  had i been a little more gulliable i would have gone for it, but what company actually calls you...... to make sure you don't pay the late charge????  tricky tricky

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@kittyloo That is so unsettling. They are getting very sophisticated. We just all have to be so cautious. We do not answer a call that we do not recognize the number. If it is legitimate they will leave a message, and we can return their call.

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@kittyloo- Never give out any information- the scammer now has your telephone and you will be bombarded with call like this one.



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@kittyloo wrote:

scammers are getting more clever for sure.  so today, dh comes in with his phone, saying there is some type of important call for me.

i'm thinking, why are they calling dh's cell. this person, says she's from symphony bank and i have somehow missed a payment. 

as we all know, it seems that many,many cards are through symphony bank now, so that didn't alarm me too much. 

   i asked why she was calling on dh's phone, she said they were trying to track me down. (should have been a big red flag here).  

then she adds that it's over my hsn account, and i have missed a payment.  I'm thinking i havent charged anything from hsn in a age.  she actually pulls up my last purchase there, and no it wasn't all that long ago, knows that is was on value pay, and i have missed a payment. 

  so she is trying to "verify" it me. i did give her my birth date, and phone number.

  i didn't think it that odd that it sounded like she was in a call center, because it's symphony bank, but also thinking, no i have not missed a payment, and i havent' heard a peep from hsn. 

so next she wants to be helpful, and allow me to make a $61.00 payment, now so i don't get a late charge. 

now i am suspuscious, and start saying thanks for calling it to my attention, i'll contact hsn on my own. good bye.

   of course, when i go over to hsn, no only do i not owe anything, but they do have my current new address.

  so somehow, they got into my hsn account enough to see my last purchase. hummmm.  had i been a little more gulliable i would have gone for it, but what company actually calls you...... to make sure you don't pay the late charge????  tricky tricky

I think you might want to report this to HSN. And then close out your account with HSN and set up a new one with a new password. I'm concerned that you gave your phone number and birthdate. That's enough information for the scammers to do some damage if they've already viewed your account. I'd close it out. 

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That is so weird. Do you remember if she used the exact term "value pay"?  That's not what HSN uses. 

It's syncrony bank, I think.  Did she say symphony?



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@kittyloo This caller had too much familiar information about your previous order to have just been randomly dialing and phishing.


She was just attempting to fill in the blanks with a little more info.

You have to wonder how she acquired such details. I'd be suspicious. 


I'd be concerned about a security breech somewhere down the line. To be on the safe side, I'd be running some scans and changing some passwords. I might even contact HSN security to see if others have reported such calls. 



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@Calgal2too wrote:

That is so weird. Do you remember if she used the exact term "value pay"?  That's not what HSN uses. 

It's syncrony bank, I think.  Did she say symphony?



@Calgal2too     That would be my first "red flag"....It is Synchrony Bank....not Symphony.     

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@BlueFinch  yes, i think i will have a chat with them over at hsn


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Registered: ‎03-21-2010

Wow.  They are brasizen.


I would contact the credit bureaus.  All three and put an alert on your accounts so no one can open new credit in your name.... transunion, exiperian and equifax.  


Thanks for sharing-- A good reminder especially at this time of year.  Scammers want holiday presents, too!

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Registered: ‎01-07-2020

Re: new scam alert

[ Edited ]

rule of thumb here and all this would be avoided, never ever ever ever answer the phone with an unrecognized number! ever!  If they are legit, they would leave a message.  When they ask for you, do not say it is you, verify to ask who they are.  Block and delete their number!