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  1. Criminals in Florida broke into a home and stole three jars of cocaine...snorted it all before it was discovered that those jars were actually urns containing the remains of the woman's husband and two dogs.
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Things that make you go "huh"

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That's not exactly true.  Here is the real story:

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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@NickNack That is funny that you said that ...we were discussing fake news on another post.My husband read that story online from a readers digest story.What is the truth out there.I think only the witnesses know.

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But Snopes doesn't say that these stories are false, from the link above that I read.


If the reports are true.......Ewwwwwww!

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original story from 1996......does have a lot of speculation attached to it. however, this seems to be a repeated story during different periods of time.



“Cremains mistaken for illegal drugs” is a recurring theme in contemporary lore. note that this recurring theme has happened in various places all over the usa and abroad.


i tend to believe that most, if not all, of the stories are "tall tales."

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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My high school aged son always said that if you didn't see it,it is hearsay and the facts are usually distorted as the story is retold.Funny at the time he planned to be a dentist but later changed his mind and got a law degree.I think that now more than ever it is hard to find the actual truth.

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Sounds like one of those urban legends.  My mom's ashes are in an urn and I assure you no concaine user would ever in zillion years think an urn full of ashes was coke  Nor would they every put their heads in the jar and snort away....coke use doesn't work that  Good grief, it was really cocaine the person would be dead at the second nose  

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@Nicknack wrote:

That's not exactly true.  Here is the real story:



     Thanks for this.  I really have to stop believing what people post here.  Either they don't read well or they take a snippet from the news and then come here make stuff   Although I didn't for second believe OP's story.

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@chrystaltree I did not make this is a readers digest story online.I agree though that it is hard to find the truth these days.I used to think of readers digest as a reputable source but now I am not certain.